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I was suddenly wide awake now that Oli was speaking with me, so I propped myself up in my bed so I wouldn't drop my phone on my face. I was so happy that he was talking to me... I guess maybe he was bored since he was continuing the conversation.

"What are you up to?" he asked.

"I just got home from a night out with friends. Cassidy ditched me for a boy so I'm home alone, lol." I replied.

God, why did I admit that? I sounded so lame!

"Aww. I'd keep you company if I was there 😁." he replied.

His response made me smile, even though I knew he was only talking about sex. I would honestly give anything for him to be there... I missed cuddling up with someone more than anything and thinking about kissing him got me so frustrated. I typed 'I'd love that' but quickly deleted it and I wanted to tell him that I wished he was with me, but I didn't.

"Hehe, I bet you would 😉" I replied. "What time is it there? What are you up to?" I asked since he'd asked me the same question.

"9am. I'm just laying in bed lol." he replied.

He must have had no plans for the day if he was still in bed and I guess he didn't have female company from the night before either. No wonder he was talking to me more than usual...

"We're doing the same thing then lol. When are you heading off on tour again? It must be soon." I asked.

"Yeah, Monday. I don't want to go, lol." he replied.

"Why?! I would love to be going to all the places you're going!" I sent back.

"It's not like a holiday though, it's just work to me. I wish we were going to the USA again lol" he said.

A weird feeling came over me when he said that... did he want to come back to see me? Surely he didn't mean that. I actually laughed at myself for thinking it might even be what he was talking about... as if he would care about seeing me again. I was being so delusional. 

"Haha, You like it here, huh?" I asked.

"It's alright I guess 😂" he replied.

I was suddenly so nervous and excited about what he was going to say. Maybe he did mean he wanted to come back because of me...? God I hoped that was what he meant.

"Lol, why do you want to come back here then?" I asked; anticipating his answer.

He took forever to respond and I watched those little 'typing' dots for ages... it was like he was writing and deleting, then writing again, but never actually sending his message. I was so eager for his response and the delay was killing me!

"So I can have you in my bed again 😉😛." he replied.

Oh my God. What the hell? 

A burst of desire and excitement shot through my body like lightning. I knew he was just talking about sex, but it made me feel amazing. I was quite literally dumbfounded. It seemed crazy to me that he would even think about sleeping with me again when his options with women would be so unlimited! Maybe he was just flirting with me because he was bored.

"I definitely wouldn't say no, hehe." I replied, playing along and stroking his ego.

"Eugh. Don't make me horny when I can't have you lol." he replied.

I felt so fucking good knowing that he still had lust for me and it suddenly felt like when we started flirting on instagram all over again... like the conversation was going to head in that dirty talk kind of direction. He'd always been into that, but it made me a little self-conscious. I mean, I wasn't exactly a pro at it and I was going to get so sexually frustrated if he talked about doing anything to me. I didn't know if I really wanted to encourage him to go there or not...

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