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I had a really good, long sleep after getting to bed early, so Oli's 8am alarm was a lot less intrusive and annoying than my 8am alarm yesterday. We ate breakfast with everyone else at the hotel buffet, and were into the buses at 10am again, ready to head roughly 3 and a half hours to Indianapolis.

I didn't really know what to do with myself on the bus since it wasn't just Oli's space, but the other guys' too, so like yesterday, I just retreated to Oli's bunk and got out my phone. I listened to music and checked in with Cassidy; updating her on what had happened in the past 24 hours... though it wasn't anything super exciting or different to any of the other nights. The only matter of interest was our shower and the fact that he shampooed my hair, and that he'd actually given me an orgasm on his own, but it wasn't even from sex, so I guess it wasn't too exciting really. Oli came to check on me and appeared beside the bunk after about an hour of driving; munching on chips and holding the bag toward me like he was offering me some. "You know, you don't have to hide in here. You can come and hang out with us." he said. I guess it was nice to know that he didn't see me as a complete burden, and I figured I should be social since he was inviting me, so I joined him in the little lounge area with the others. Jordan and Lee were playing cards of some sort, Mat was on his phone and Matt was preparing something at the little mini kitchen. I wasn't exactly sure where to sit, but Oli nudged me gently, signalling me into the little booth seat around a table. The guys were talking about tattoos... Oli was saying he wanted to get one before they left the US and was looking on instagram for ideas while the others continued with their card game or in Matt's case, cooking. Jordan asked me if I had any tattoos and I felt a little out of place when I said no, but I think they were just being polite – you know, including me in the conversation even though they couldn't care less if I had any ink or not. I told them that I had always wanted to get one but never knew what, and Mat suggested I should just get a huge Bring Me The Horizon one on my back. I just laughed. That was never going to happen.

When the guys finished their card game, they put on some action movie and Oli showed me how the table folds down so the booth seating becomes kind of like a daybed. It was impressive how everything worked in such a tight space. He got the pillows from his bunk and we put them behind our heads, but I didn't get too close to him. He didn't give me any indication he wanted me to... and I figured he probably didn't want any kind of affection in front of the others... I wasn't even sure if he wanted it behind closed doors to be honest. Mat tried to join us on the daybed thing so he could watch the movie too, but as he went to climb in beside Oli, he told him to fuck off. "I don't want to fucking spoon you!" Oli said with a laugh. He was gorgeous when he laughed, and I liked him so much when he was funny like that. Mat laughed and climbed over us and asked me to move over so he could sit next to me, so I wriggled over closer to Oli. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing, and I wish I could have gotten a photo of myself sandwiched between Oli Sykes and Mat Nicholls. What a fucking dream situation. 

By time the movie ended we were 15 minutes away from the venue, so I just stayed on the couch and looked at my phone while Oli disappeared to somewhere else. I showed Mat the photos he'd taken of himself on my phone back in Vegas and he just laughed. He asked me to send him some via instagram so I did, and he followed me so he could find me again if I sent anything else. It was really weird to be laying on the daybed thing with him while he was scrolling through my instagram profile as I watched, liking photos and asking questions; especially about the ones of me with my parents' dog lol. "So is anyone actually going to come out tonight?" Oli asked from the hallway as he arrived back to the group. The guys were all silent and Oli just stood there waiting for someone to answer. "Seriously? You're bailing on me again?" he questioned.
"We've got a day off in 2 days, I'll come out then." Lee replied. The others all kind of agreed and Oli just rolled his eyes. He seemed so unimpressed, but honestly I was kind of glad... at least I wouldn't have to watch him hooking up with someone else in front of me.

We pulled into the loading area of the venue and I followed the guys inside like I did yesterday. Oli never walked with me or made a big deal of me being there when the guys were around... he didn't ignore me or anything, but I was definitely an after-thought. Mat carried my suitcase up the stairs when he saw me struggling, while Oli went ahead and disappeared inside. I felt bad that Mat had to help me, but I thanked him, and I wondered what he thought of the dynamic between Oli and I. I wondered if it was normal to them - if Oli was this way with every girl he hooked up with? I got lunch from catering and watched the guys do their sound check soon after we arrived, then they settled in for the afternoon with their Playstation. It was really interesting to see the mundane side of tour life. I guess you imagine it's all super lavish and luxurious, but really, we ate salads and pasta from paper plates and did laundry while waiting for the show to start.

I felt kind of bored as I sat backstage if I'm being honest. The guys were playing their games or on their laptops, and I was just kind of there... in the room, running out of things to do on my phone. It's not like I expected Oli to have a deep conversation with me or anything, but it was almost like I didn't exist, so I decided I'd take the down time to go off for a walk. I found their tour manager and told him I was going out but that I'd be back in a couple of hours. He told me I just had to show my laminate at the loading dock when I came back, so I stuffed it in my bag and headed off into the city.

I'd never been to Indianapolis, in fact, I hadn't been to many of the places this tour had taken me... it was sad that I'd seen so little of my country really. With google as a guide, I wandered along the river and found some cool architecture, museums, cafes... not that I went inside. I just wanted to get outside and get some fresh air if I'm being honest. My entire life for the past couple of weeks had been cars, buses, hotels and concert venues, so I just wanted to walk in the sun, sit on the grass, watch the river... just be outside. I posted a photo on my instagram story, and Oli replied to it about half an hour later, obviously realising that I'd gone. He asked if everything was OK, and it was. I wasn't upset or anything, I just felt like I wanted to get outside. Oh and he called me 'cute'.

I wondered if I should have asked if he wanted to come with me, but surely he wouldn't

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I wondered if I should have asked if he wanted to come with me, but surely he wouldn't... he was playing his games and surely wouldn't want to risk being recognised. It's not like I was doing anything particularly exciting, and surely he wouldn't want to spend time with me alone anyway, right?

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