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When I woke up the next morning, I opened my eyes and saw Oli and that made me smile. Even though I was given a reality check last night, I was still so happy being there next to him; comfortable, content... but my happiness was soon overwhelmed by heavy feelings of sadness as I remembered today was the last day that I would spend with him. I felt a huge lump in my throat as I thought about him flying to the other side of the world, me being back in San Francisco and waking up alone in my bed. You wouldn't know it by the way I'd been with Oli, but I had some pretty big walls around me... I didn't let people into my heart, or my legs either for that matter. Flirting and kissing, well, in that regard I probably seemed outgoing; promiscuous even, but anything further than that was out of reach to everyone. Oli was the first man I'd really let get close to me – emotionally and sexually for years, so knowing he was going to leave wasn't a nice feeling. I ever so gently laid my hand flat on top of his against the sheet as he slept, but when I tried to lace my fingers into his, he instinctively moved his hand away. It was like even in slumber he didn't want me to get too close. With sex it was fine, but without it, things like hugs and hand-holding were too romantic. I could get lost in wishing things could be different between us, but I knew it would only make my last day with him gloomy, so I left it alone. I headed to the shower to wash my hair while he continued to sleep off his hangover.

When I came back from the bathroom, he was wide awake. "How are you feeling?" I asked in amusement. He looked terrible and I was sure he'd be feeling just as bad. 
"Not as bad as you'd think, but also not great." he said with a laugh. I didn't know what he'd planned for the day, so I just slipped into the hotel robe when I got out the shower, and I went to re-join him on the bed.
"I remember nothing of last night. I didn't do anything stupid did I?" he asked as he yawned. I didn't want to bring up what he'd said - all it would do would make my last day with him uncomfortable and awkward. "Not really, just some really bad dancing." I replied. He just laughed.
"Well, I've gotta go do an interview this afternoon, but I'm going to get a tattoo this morning. Are you going to come with me?" he asked. I'd never seen someone get inked before, so it would actually be fun - and given it was Oli, it would be even better. "Sure." I replied.
"You should get one too. I'll pay for it." he said with a grin as he put his hand on my leg. I just furrowed my brows at him. Why on earth was he offering to buy me a tattoo?
"Me?" I asked in confusion.
"Yeah, didn't you say you wanted to get one on the bus the other day?" he questioned. I was surprised he'd remembered that.
"Well, yeah... but what would I even get?" I asked with a laugh.
"I don't know... band logo? My name... I'll sign your tits and you can get that tattooed if you want." he laughed. I really hoped he was kidding. "Nah... why don't you get a rose?" he asked.
"A rose?" I questioned.
"Yeah why not? It's your nickname. I'll get it too if you do it." he said. What the fuck?!
"What, like matching tattoos?" I asked with a laugh. Surely he wasn't serious.
"Sure. I wanted to get something anyway." he replied. "And I like Roses, I have lots of them." he added. He wasn't wrong... I could think of at least 4 I'd seen on his neck and chest without actually looking for them. "Come on, it'll be fun." he said, pushing me to agree. I guess I kind of always wanted to get a tattoo but I was never sure what... and it would be a pretty amazing way to remember the trip. And I mean, I'd have a matching tattoo with Oli Sykes... "OK. As long as it's not huge and I get to pick the design." I said with a laugh. He just smiled at me and said 'deal'. Cassidy was going to die when I told her!



Haha, God I'm a bad influence. 

The guys are going to give me soooooo much shit, but it's just a fucking rose; it's not like I don't have a tonne of them already, and I didn't know what else I would have got. 

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