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When I left the venue to head to the hotel, Mat ran after me and said he'd come with me. Of course I didn't mind, it was only a couple of blocks away anyway. We talked about the tour as we walked and he asked me how my night out with Oli was. I tried not to smile and blush as I thought about it, but I don't think I did the best job of hiding how much I'd enjoyed it. I really didn't want to show how I felt about Oli; like I had the hugest crush in the world on him, so I talked about the cool cocktails and the games - and I proudly told him that I beat Oli twice at Mortal Kombat. Mat laughed loudly and said Oli would have been mortified that he was beaten since it was one of his favourite games as a teenager. He wasn't wrong, I think he was pretty cut up about it. 

As we crossed the last street before the hotel, I saw a discount store on the corner so I told him I was going in. He said he'd see me later at the venue, and I went into the store on the off chance they would sell plastic roses. I hadn't given one to Oli since Denver, which was originally the last show I was going to, so including tonight's show, I owed him 4. I was so happy when I found them in a vase inside the store, even though they were slightly different – he probably wouldn't even notice. I bought half a dozen, and continued on to the hotel. 

When I got into the hotel room, it was probably the nicest one I'd been in so far. I was showing my poorness with the way I was taking photos of the room, Lol. Despite the excitement, I couldn't even be bothered in changing into something comfy; I just took off my shoes and jeans, set an alarm for an hour and face-planted the bed. It was so soft and cuddly, and I was so ready to nap, but I wanted to keep the lust between Oli and I going from earlier by sending a sexy photo. It was tasteful, and probably tame in comparison to photos other girls would send him, but I wasn't the type of girl to send nudes or to make myself look like a total slut. I thought even if it was subtle it would maybe excite him a little bit at least... I really did want him to come to the room when he was done with his interview like he'd said he would. I snapped the photo and sent it to him, but before he even replied, I was asleep. I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow.

 I was out like a light as soon as my head hit the pillow

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Jesus fucking Christ. She's so naughty but in the most innocent way, lol. That photo is honestly so much hotter than tits or nudes or whatever else.

My God. She kills me.

I am definitely going to get between those sheets - and legs - tonight. Haha.


When my alarm went off, I found Oli's replies but I didn't want to wake up yet, so I re-set my alarm for another half an hour, and went back to sleep, and I did the same thing a third time but just kind of laid there relaxing. I was being so incredibly lazy...

I messaged Cassidy, even though I knew she'd be working, to send her the photos of the hotel room and to update her on what had been happening the past couple of days. Mainly focusing on the cuddling in the bunk this morning since it seemed really cute, and also how he seemed more interested in knowing about my life last night at the bar than he ever had before. I also sent her a screen grab of my recent sexy photo to Oli, and a photo I'd taken of Mat from last night's show in Indianapolis.

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