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When we arrived back at the apartment, Oli held my hand tightly as we went up in the elevator in total silence. I felt like I didn't even know what to say with so much emotion, happiness, excitement, nerves and maybe also shock in my system. "How did it go? Did you see anything you like?" Cassidy asked the moment we arrived. I don't know why it hit me, but I burst into tears and she came running over. "Awww." Oli said as he hugged me from behind and Cassidy now stood in front of me. "Is she sad or happy?" Cass asked Oli, to which he chuckled.
"I'm pretty sure these are happy tears, right baby?" he replied as a question. I just nodded. Cassidy wrapped her arms around me and Oli, so I was sandwiched between the two of them and honestly, it was nice. "We found the most amazing house, Cass. It's so perfect, like my dream house but better." I whimpered.
"Awww..." she replied. "You have to take me to see it if you decide to go for it!" she exclaimed.
"Well actually, we've already put in an offer so it could be ours at any moment." Oli said with a little chuckle.
"Oh my God, really? So quickly!?" she questioned.
"Look at Willow. She's literally crying because she loved it so much. As if I was going to wait and let someone else get her dream house!" he stated. 
"I don't know whether to cry or vomit over how sweet that is." Cassidy said as she let us go. "I really didn't think it would happen so soon, but I'm so happy for you guys, well, me too I guess since I'm third-wheeling." she laughed.
"Nah, you're pretty much family at this point." Oli replied. I was just standing there silently crying, more tears spilling out of my eyes when Oli called Cassidy 'family'. I loved that they got along the way they did now. It meant everything to me. I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes, recovering from how emotional the entire situation was.
"You should see the house, Cass. It's so beautiful, and it has a rooftop terrace with a view of Fisherman's wharf..." I explained.
"Are you serious?" she questioned loudly. "So we could watch the fireworks from the house?!" she asked. Oli immediately laughed while I just nodded and more tears fell down my face. "You two and fireworks..." Oli joked. 
"What? They're so much fun!" Cassidy replied. Oli just laughed at us.
"I feel like waiting to hear back from the realtor is going to be torture." I chuckled through my teary eyes. "Tell me about it. It's only been half an hour and it feels like days... I'm so fucking anxious." Oli chuckled.
"Alright, come on, we'll watch a movie to keep you distracted." Cass suggested. That was a great idea. 

We didn't hear back that afternoon which just made it feel worse, but despite the nervous anxiety and excitement, we managed to sleep... I suppose the perpetual tiredness of being a parent did have it's perks after all. It was 9:30 the following morning when Oli's phone rang and Cass and I both sat up alert and nervous when he said it was the real estate agent. I sat there watching, waiting for him to say something that meant good or bad news, but Oli gave nothing away with his words over the phone, other than a small smile that made me hopeful. I just stared at him as he ended the call and put his phone down on the kitchen counter. God the suspense was killing me and Oli had a total poker face happening.

"Did we get it?" I asked nervously as soon as he'd hung up. He just looked at me and didn't reply.
"For God's sakes, Oli, tell us!" Cassidy said in clear frustration at Oli's silence. He looked at me and suddenly smiled and I knew the answer before he said anything. That was his happy smile, the good news smile, the smile that told me everything was how he wanted it to be. "We got the house." he said happily. I jumped up and threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around him and shoving my face into his chest so hard I hurt my nose. I was crying tears of happiness the moment I hit into him. "Oh my God! Congratulations!" Cassidy squealed happily.
"Thanks." Oli replied. "You know, it's going to be your house too though so you're also allowed to be involved in this celebration." he chuckled.
"Oh my god, yes! I keep forgetting. I'm going to go and get champagne! Don't go anywhere!" Cass demanded. Oli just laughed. I heard her run out the door, obviously to the liquor store, yet  I stayed glued to Oli with my arms around him without saying a single thing.
"Are you OK?" Oli asked me as he rubbed my back and I stayed latched onto him. I was, I was just happy and in disbelief. I looked up at him and smiled and he smiled back. "We got the house." I said just to help myself actually believe this was real.
"We did." he replied happily before leaning down to give me a little kiss. 

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