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The following day, Oli and I were going to the tattoo parlour; the place Oli had found called 'Black Heart Tattoo'. I already knew what I wanted to get and where; a vine of Ivy in the same place as my rose tattoo, just on the opposite side. This time I wanted it bigger too, running from the top of my thigh up my hip and onto my stomach, I guess to kind of signify where she came from.

Cass was minding Ivy for me until she headed off to work, with a backup plan of bringing her to the studio if we took longer than expected. I'm sure we would be back in time, but I knew Oli wouldn't mind getting her used to the sound of tattoo guns from a young age!

I was a little nervous about meeting up with Oli after the night before, just wondering if he would be awkward around me or embarrassed or something, but when he arrived to pick me up, he seemed like his old self again. I was happy that he had (hopefully) left the guilt behind like I'd told him to and we could just move forward. He greeted Cass and quickly kissed Ivy's head then we headed down in the lift to the cab to head off to the tattoo shop.

When we arrived the artists all greeted Oli, clearly recognising him from the band. The artist we'd picked was so eccentric with bright blue hair and multiple facial piercings, her work though was predominantly black and white and super fine and crisp. It was perfect for what I wanted. Oli helped explain what I wanted and she offered to draw up something for me, so I agreed. I wanted something unique, not just something everyone else could find and copy from the internet. I wanted it to be one of a kind, just like my Ivy. Our Ivy. The design she created for me was perfect and Oli loved it too. He said he wanted the same vine, so it matched mine, just in a different shape, and I almost died when he said he wanted his across his forehead. I thought he was joking at first, but he was serious. He wanted the same style of Ivy that I was getting on my hip, across his face. It was so crazy to me to get a tattoo somewhere so visible but I guess he was already past the point of worrying about that since his body was covered in them. I guess he wasn't exactly ever going to want to work in a place where they were forbidden either.

I was a little self-conscious about getting borderline naked to get my tattoo done but it was necessary given where I wanted it. I was more awkward about Oli seeing me than the female artist... I know he'd seen me naked so many times, but not since I had Ivy. Maybe I didn't want the image he had of my body to change from back then when it was perfect. Putting my self-consciousness aside, I changed into some super non-sexy disposable underwear that the artist cut and taped in place to keep me covered and she stencilled on my tattoo. I loved the way she had curved it, it hugged the shape of my body so beautifully. "My gosh, I absolutely love it. It's so perfect." I said happily as I looked at it in the mirror. "What do you think?" I asked Oli, you know, just to include him.
"It looks absolutely amazing, Wills. I love it." Oli replied with a smile. I giggled that he called me 'Wills' again. He'd done it a few times lately but he still didn't do it very often. I think he was just over-excited that we were in a tattoo parlour and surrounded by tattoo guns that he said it without even thinking, lol.



Fuck. That is so fucking hot.

I know it's a tattoo for our daughter, but damn.


I laid back in the chair and closed my eyes, knowing that Oli was sitting there watching me as the artist got to work. Compared to my first tattoo, it didn't hurt nearly as much, but considering I'd gone through childbirth since, I think my pain tolerance had risen considerably. I wondered what Oli was thinking as I laid there with my shirt pulled up around my ribs, and this miniscule scrap of fabric covering me. I hated that he had all that time to study my body and see how much it had changed from the last time I was so exposed in front of him but I hoped he would be too focused on the actual tattoo to give a shit about my body.

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