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I knew how Oli was going to feel, I remembered exactly how satisfying and fulfilling it would be and since I hadn't been with anyone since Atlanta, it was going to be intense. Cassidy thought I was crazy for basically being celibate for 3 months, but I just never felt interested enough in anyone to take it to that level. I climbed onto the bed and laid on my back to watch as Oli pulled his shirt over his head. He drove me crazy in the best way. He looked so dangerous with toned arms and tattoos covering every inch of skin, but he had the most dreamy face and his hair had a boyish innocence about it. He crawled over me and untied the belt from my robe then opened it and just looked at me laying there naked for a moment. I wondered what he thought of me... if he saw the parts of me I didn't like. I felt self-conscious as he just knelt over me smiling, but then I realised what he was smiling at; my rose tattoo... the one that I got with him in Atlanta, the one that matched his. "Still so sexy." he said as he gently ran his fingers over it.

We kissed and touched, and I felt like I couldn't touch him enough. I wanted every inch of his skin against me. I liked foreplay, but I think we were both eager for the main event and when he finally pushed himself into me, I gasped. I knew how he felt but I still wasn't prepared for it after so long without sex. My entire body flooded with tingles and I felt instant gratification between my legs. "My God, I forgot how good you feel." I said as I shut my eyes. He kissed my cheek and started moving slowly and it felt incredible. Nothing and nobody had ever felt as good as he did, and the way he touched my skin made it feel like it was on fire. Having him between my legs again felt so satisfying and it felt like I was already verging on orgasm after about 5 minutes with him. Maybe it was my lack of pleasure over the past 4 months, or maybe it was my emotional investment in him, but it felt better than I remembered it feeling the last time. He was being firm but gentle and he seemed to know exactly what I wanted. He definitely knew what he was doing, and he definitely knew I was enjoying it because my breathing was already heavy. He kissed my cheek and told me he was going to make me feel really good and as soon as he ran his fingers over my clitoris, my entire body tensed. I squeezed his arms tight and moaned against his lips as he kissed me, touched me and penetrated me all at once. I knew I was a goner. He got me off in like 6 minutes, which must have been some kind of record and Oli's ego probably swelled like crazy, but I felt absolutely wonderful. It wasn't an earth-shattering, body-shaking, screaming orgasm; it just felt warm and euphoric, like a wave of heat flooding my body, but it felt gentle and unforced in a hard to describe kind of way.

Oli kissed my face and kept moving as I came then slipped back into reality. I just looked at him as I laid there with my hands on his waist as his body swung back and forth – it felt exactly how it did the last night we slept together in Atlanta; I felt so connected to him in a way I couldn't really explain... so close to him in a way I couldn't really justify. Honestly, I thought the first time we had sex again he would be pounding me like some sex-crazed lunatic, but he wasn't. He was treating me exactly how I always wished he would, like he cared and like it meant something. I loved that intimacy so much and feeling like he was being gentle with me made me swoon. I was laying under him in complete bliss, but I knew he'd probably enjoy something a little more exciting, so I decided to take control and change things up. I wanted to make him happy since he'd already made sure I was taken care of... plus he shouldn't have to do all of the work. "I want to get on top of you." I said with a grin as I kind of pushed him off me. He laughed and fell onto his back beside me on the bed so I rolled over, threw my leg over his body and leaned in to kiss him before putting my hands on his chest to lower down. "Roses... have you been with anyone since we were in Atlanta?" he asked randomly. It seemed like a strange question and an even stranger time to ask seeing as I had just climbed onto him. The question caught me off guard, I mean, it wasn't really any of his business... I definitely wouldn't want to know how many girls he'd been with since me! I wouldn't even think about asking! I had nothing to hide though, so I answered by shaking my head. He grabbed my hands and laced his fingers into mine, holding them in the air between us. "You're such a good girl." he said. I kind of hated the way he said that, like I wouldn't be good if I didn't stay faithful to him? I don't think he meant it in the way it sounded but sometimes I wished he'd just not say the things he thought out loud.



I can't believe she didn't sleep with anyone else after me... I feel so important. 

She's like some kind of fucking angel, lol.


I let Oli's comment go over my head so I could get back to enjoying being with him again and he seemed to like the view as I rode him. Well, he mostly seemed to enjoy the access to my boobs I guess. He squeezed them and sucked at them and literally had his face in them for ages, but I wasn't surprised; he had always liked breasts. He sat up a couple of times to kiss me and kind of change the position, but I pushed him back down and kept doing what I wanted to do. I don't think he minded me taking control and being dominant though, in fact, I think he liked it. He rubbed my clitoris with his thumb again after a while and I begged him not to stop - it felt so fucking good. He obeyed me and after several minutes, my body was tensing and I was squeezing my legs into his sides as another orgasm hit me; this time it was the earth-shattering, body-shaking type. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed his arms as my body collapsed forward onto him as I stopped moving and everything in my body tensed. He wrapped his arms around me as my body shook and I moaned against his skin as he started moving beneath me. It was like fireworks, like some kind of intense pleasure bomb. God he made me feel so good.

A double orgasm was new to me. I'd done it to myself a couple of times in the past, sure, but nobody else had ever made it happen. He was like some kind of God in my eyes and I couldn't get enough. He threw me over onto my back and landed between my legs again; going back to thrusting as I just laid there still feeling dazed and fulfilled as I recovered. I touched his body and pushed his hair behind his ears, which was pointless since it just came straight back out and into his eyes again, but I just liked touching him, it didn't matter how or where. He moved fast and swore a lot as he was about to cum; saying 'fuck' about six times and then moaning as his body  tensed. I loved seeing him in that moment of completely giving in, he almost looked like he was dying, lol. The entire thing was over in about 15 minutes and he just hovered there motionless for a moment as he came down. I hoped he wanted to cuddle because I wanted that more than anything. I hoped I wasn't going to be met by the version of Oli who wanted to pretend that sex was no big deal or meant nothing to him. He kissed me and fell beside me onto the blanket so I rolled to face him. He wrapped his arms around me so I did the same as I pressed my face into his shoulder. I was so relieved that he didn't push me away. We laid there quietly for a while but his heart was thumping so loudly in my ear. There was something I enjoyed about listening to it and the rhythm it beat though, just knowing you're in that moment with another life or something...
"Nobody else feels like you." Oli said quietly as he held me. What exactly did that mean?
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked against his skin. He just chuckled.
"No, it's definitely not a bad thing – only for everyone else." he said as he kissed my head. I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling flood through my entire body and I couldn't help but smile to myself. He was being so sweet.



That was amazing and definitely worth the wait.

I don't really get why it's so much better with her though, I mean, pussy is pussy. I guess it's because she's not some slut who opens her legs for every guy that comes along.

Oh well, whatever, I've got a whole week of unlimited access and I'm going to take FULL advantage of it.

That plane ticket was worth every cent, lol.


I had only been back with Oli for a grand total of an hour and I'd already fucked him, had two orgasms and fallen completely in love with him all over again. I really was hopeless and I hated to think how much more intense my feelings would be in 6 days time. 

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