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As we emerged from the garage, Oli was waiting by Cass' car. He looked like he'd really made an effort for our date, but my favourite thing was the way he looked at me when he saw me. It was like he didn't want to smile but he couldn't really stop himself, but it was different to other times. I guess in the past his expression was one of wanting to rip my clothes off, but this time, it was nicer than that. It was warm and genuine and didn't feel sexual at all. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. "You look beautiful." he gushed as I arrived and he opened the car door for me. "Thank you." I replied. 



God, she's so beautiful... she literally takes my breath away every time I see her. 

Now I feel even more nervous... Ugh, since when could a woman make me feel like this? Lol.


He jumped into the drivers seat once I was in, and as soon as we drove away from the house, I had butterflies swarming in my stomach. There was absolutely no reason for me to be nervous, but the 'date' label seemed to unsettle me just a little. We pulled up at the valet in front of a fancy looking restaurant in Venice Beach and Oli handed him the keys. I could tell by the aroma coming from inside that the restaurant was Italian and once he gave his name at the door, we were escorted inside. The inside of the restaurant was beautiful, wood, exposed brick walls, warm ambient lighting... it was very romantic. The host led us to a gorgeous outdoor table that was very private, clearly a spot for special occasions... it was surrounded by plants with a pretty lantern on the table and a fountain in the middle of the courtyard. "This is so beautiful." I said as I sat down and Oli sat opposite me.
"I'm glad you like it. I know Venice Beach isn't actually Venice, but I figured Italian here is the next best thing." he said with a smile. That made my heart skip a beat, he was so thoughtful and he really knew how to pull at my heart strings. "You're so funny." I chuckled. "It's really sweet that you remember those things though." I replied.
"Of course I remember. I remember everything you tell me, well mostly everything." he chuckled. It was funny how nervous I suddenly felt, almost like I couldn't look at him sitting opposite me, it felt like a first date, then again, I guess it was. He'd never taken me on a date before, not officially anyway. "By the way, did you notice everyone stare at you when we walked in? You look so gorgeous tonight." he said, showering me in compliments.
"Please, they were staring at you." I replied with an eye roll.
"No, no, they were definitely jealous of me getting to walk in with you. Honestly, even I'm a little jealous of me." he said playfully.
"Oh my God. It's definitely the other way around, rock star." I replied.

The waitress came to confirm we were having some vegan set menu thing and Oli ordered a bottle of wine, impressing me with remembering what type I drank. I just looked at Oli as he read through our menu card, the glow from the candle on our table lighting his face and his changing expressions as he obviously read things he disliked or didn't understand. He looked so beautiful and I could feel myself falling in love with him all over again. The way he'd remembered what wine I drank, the way he'd brought me to somewhere reminiscent of my dream destination, even the way he'd pulled out my chair for me... they were such small things, but they meant a lot. I think Oli had been wearing down my walls for a long time now, making constant gestures of support and care, being so thoughtful even when he wasn't with me in San Francisco, always checking in and making sure I was OK... I guess singular moments didn't make me 'fall in love' but without really knowing it, they'd been breaking down my walls more and more. I think I'd probably been falling back in love with him ever since I knew he was single, maybe I'd never even truly stopped, but it wasn't until we kissed last night that it became really clear to me. Falling in love with Oli again scared me because of what happened in Mexico, but at the same time, I didn't want to try and stop myself because love was too beautiful to ignore.

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