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My alarm went off at 6:30am and honestly, I hated my life for a moment as I got dragged from my sleep. I grabbed my phone straight away and looked at instagram... Oli hadn't messaged anything else, but his message was still in my DM's. It was still hard to believe.

We got straight on the road for the 5 and a half hour drive to Phoenix, and Cassidy was a total trooper, driving the whole way and letting me nap for a couple of hours. We left our car at the motel and walked to the venue, arriving at about 1:30pm. Maybe 20 or so people were ahead of us in the line, but we knew we'd still get barrier, even if it wasn't right in the middle. Cassidy wandered off to find us food and drinks and left me in line, chatting to a couple of guys who were in front of us. They were both pretty cute, and one of them was definitely channeling Oli.

The Oli lookalike ended up next to me on the barrier and I didn't really mind being squashed up next to him, but of course, my eyes would be firmly affixed on the real Oli once he was on stage. I got the security guard to take a photo of the 4 of us on the barrier, and I posted it on instagram and tagged all the band. Why not? The wait seemed faster since we were chatting to the guys a fair bit, but 9:30pm still felt like a long wait. When the lights eventually went down, I totally forgot about my new friend and I screamed along as the guys entered the stage. 

I swear Oli and I had this little moment as he spotted me on barrier... it was kind of just an acknowledgement, but I swear he smiled at me and kind of nodded like he was happy to see me. I'm probably just infatuated, and probably a bit crazy. The show was as amazing as always, and Oli came down to the crowd during 'Drown' again and took the rose from me. The guy next to me was losing his mind more than I was which was hilarious, and Oli jumped up on the barrier on top of us again, so I kind of held his leg so he wouldn't fall in. I swear Oli kind of waved to me when he went to walk off stage, but again, maybe I'm just crazy and saw something that didn't actually happen.

The two guys we met in line invited us out for drinks, and since tomorrow was a non-concert night it meant we didn't have to be up early, so we said yes. We walked to a bar a couple of blocks from the venue, so we weren't far from our motel at least, and we stayed there, drinking,  dancing and posting stupid videos on social media for a couple of hours.



Thank God we have a day off tomorrow! I can't believe that yet again nobody wants to go out for drinks! WTF!? We don't even have to be up early. I guess I'll just spend the night alone in a hotel room. So fun. So much for blowing off steam, partying, hooking up and living the wild life, lol. I guess I'll just waste time on my phone... 

Ha, cute photos Roses, but who's the guy with you fucking copying me? Probably the boyfriend... Oh if only you knew you could have the real thing haha. I wonder if I hit on her enough she'd leave him to come see me... wouldn't be the first time a girl's cheated or left a boyfriend to be with me. God I'm a fucking asshole. 

Alright, Let's see if you'll take the bait. 

[30 minutes later]

Roses... why are you leaving me hanging?! Eugh, I can't even get a reply from a fan girl now? Fine, I'll find some other slut to keep me company. 


Our night with the guys was fun, and we found out that they were from Tucson; a place a couple of hours away, but were staying at the hotel next door to the bar. Cass was engaged in a full on flirt fest with the guy that didn't look like Oli, and I guess I was flirting with the one that kind of did. I danced and made out with him for a bit, but I decided not to take it any further, while Cass decided to spend the night with the other one. It would have been different if he were the real Oli Sykes, but I was just happy that Cass was having a good time. She was definitely less selective about who she slept with than I was, lol. "Call if you need me!" I said to her when I decided to head home and she left with her new friend. I wandered back to our motel and as soon as I got there, l checked my phone, and quickly realised Oli had sent me a DM. 'Shit!' I thought to myself, seeing it was over an hour ago. I couldn't believe I hadn't looked at my phone all night and I had missed a message from him. Jesus Christ. How could I miss this!?

FUCK! I didn't even have Cassidy to tell me how or what to reply! I felt so bad and soooo dumb for missing a message from him

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FUCK! I didn't even have Cassidy to tell me how or what to reply! I felt so bad and soooo dumb for missing a message from him

'You're welcome. See you again soon 😉' I replied. 

I don't know if it was the right thing to say, but I couldn't not reply at all. Ugh! I was totally kicking myself for leaving him hanging. Maybe he would have actually chatted to me if I had of replied! Then I saw my notifications.

'olobersykes liked your photo' 
'olobersykes liked your photo'
'olobersykes liked your photo'
'olobersykes liked your photo' 
'olobersykes liked your photo'
'olobersykes liked your photo' 
'olobersykes liked your photo'
'olobersykes liked your photo'

What the fuck?!?!!?!! He'd liked the photo of Cass and I on barrier with the guys, and a total of 7 more photos going back at least 6 months and 100+ photos in my feed. Jesus Christ, what was going on?! Why was he stalking me? And where the fuck was Cassidy when I needed her?!?!?! That's right - between the sheets with some hot BMTH fan! 

I couldn't believe that Oli had thanked me for his latest rose and then clearly stalked me. Why was he doing that? He'd liked photos that were mostly of me, and I hadn't even replied to his message until now. DAMN IT! Usually that would be totally acceptable and I wouldn't care, but not when it's Oli Sykes!!!!!!! Ugh! I felt like maybe I'd missed a massive opportunity.

I took a quick shower and checked for a reply before heading to bed, but I guess he was asleep because he hadn't been active in an hour. Damn. I climbed into bed and while I thought I'd lay there kicking myself over Oli's message, I fell almost straight asleep; I was absolutely exhausted from all of the travelling and concerts. Thank God tomorrow we could just make our way to Vegas whenever, without worrying about getting in line to get barrier!



Eugh. I can't even be bothered with finding someone tonight. They're all fucking whores and it's so fucking meaningless anyway. I've learnt my lesson from San Diego. My hand will have to fucking do.

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