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My taxi dropped me off at Toronado bar in a trendy area of San Francisco at about 9:40pm and I headed inside to find Jayce. The place was busy, but he was easy to spot; sitting with a few people in a booth. It looked like they'd been there a while given the empty glasses and almost-empty baskets of table snacks. Jayce and his friends looked intimidating. They definitely didn't look like the kind of people I usually hung out with, but I told myself to stop being so quick to judge. I felt incredibly awkward as I walked toward their table... it was like at that moment I realised that I knew absolutely nothing about him, like literally nothing. I wouldn't even know his surname if it wasn't for social media! I had a knot in my stomach as I approached, knowing I was going to have to interrupt him and his friends, but luckily he noticed me and got up before I arrived. What a relief. "Hey pretty girl." he said as he met me half way across the busy bar.
"Hey." I said awkwardly.
"Let's get you a drink." he said. I followed him to the bar and we sat there for about half an hour, talking, but not about anything deep or meaningful, just chat, small talk. I hate to admit it, but I thought about the first time Oli and I were alone at that gamer bar in Indianapolis... how conversation was so easy and he asked about my life and wanted to get to know me. Jayce wasn't doing any of that, he was more into flirting and unsubtly asking me to go home with him, not that I expected anything else. He made me wait at the bar while he said goodbye to his friends and we left the bar after about 45 minutes. We took a taxi to his apartment but I didn't pay much attention to where we were going because of the heavy make out session going on in the back seat. We didn't travel far before we stopped and he led me up a few flights of stairs to his door.

His apartment had a strong, lingering scent of marijuana which didn't surprise me and it looked exactly as you'd imagine a bachelor pad to look; messy, mismatched, not exactly well-cared for. There were pipes and bongs on the coffee table and a bag or cannabis sitting there as openly as if it were a bag of candy to offer guests. It was legal in California, yes, but still not exactly something you'd expect to find laying around like that. I mentally noted the wad of cash he pulled from the pocket of his jeans and the baseball bat sitting ominously in the corner near the TV too. My mind was about to start going crazy but he interrupted before it had a chance. "Do you want to smoke with me?" he asked as he lit up a joint. After this morning's hangover, there was no way in hell, even the smell of it practically gave me PTSD! 

I ended up giving him a blow job as he sat on the couch smoking next to me and well, I hated it. It's not a fun task when you don't actually like the person you're doing it to and the thick cloud of smoke in the room definitely didn't help either.
"I wanna fuck you again, pretty girl." he said as he put out his joint and put his hands on me.

As he was undressing me, I had a moment of wondering what the fuck I was doing there. It wasn't me at all... I mean, I didn't know anything about this guy and I was about to have sex with him. Again? I didn't really even know where I was! I guess deep down I knew I was only doing it to escape everything, to distract myself from the hurt, to ignore the feelings I still felt for someone else, but I tried to put that out of my mind. He rubbed me below and pushed his fingers into me to check I was ready, but he didn't have the same effect on me as Oli used to... he always had such a way with me. He pushed me back into the couch and spread my legs apart and I submitted to him as he got into position.

Being with Jayce was... different. Obviously physically, but in ever other way too. I didn't feel present in the moment, my mind wasn't focused on being with him at all, if anything, it wandered to all kinds of places, but I guess I didn't care. Jayce kissed me and teased me below but as he was about to enter me, I looked down and realised he wasn't wearing a condom. Was he joking? Did he not remember how serious I was about that the previous night?
"Uh, you need a condom." I said awkwardly.
"Don't worry about it baby, we don't need one." he said. My blood immediately started rushing through my veins. Was he fucking serious? We literally had the exact conversation last night. "You know that's my rule." I said, feeling frustrated.
"Come on pretty girl, rules are no fun." he laughed. Really? I was suddenly very angry.
"I'm not sleeping with you if you're not gonna wear one." I said angrily.
"Jesus. Calm down, I know how to pull out." he whined.
"And I'm supposed to know this how?!" I scoffed sarcastically. He was so fucking arrogant.
"Cus I did it last night." he said as he found the right spot against me and pushed forward. Wait... what?
"What do you mean you did it last night?" I asked sternly. What was he talking about? I watched him put on a condom last night...
"The condom ripped so I took it off. I pulled out though, don't worry about it." he said like it was nothing as he entered me.

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