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I thought about how I wanted to respond to Oli so that he'd chat with me, though my reply was going to be almost 2 hours late anyway... he might not even see it for a while. I decided to go down the flirty route since it was usually the best way to engage him, and it worked. I kind of felt like I knew how to get what I wanted from him... like I knew how to play his game.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Patrick Stump is also no Oli Sykes. Pete Wentz might give you a run for your money though! 😝" I sent.

I knew it was cheeky, but it's not like Oli didn't have a sense of humour...

"Omg. So rude. Haha. How was the show?" he replied almost straight away. My plan had worked.

"It was great, I was excited to finally be back in the pit! Lol" I replied.

"You didn't give Pete Wentz one of my roses did you!??!??!!? 😶" he asked.

I almost spat my water out. Oli was being so weird, but it was funny as hell. His question seemed cute and playful, almost jealous again and I actually had to think about how to answer the question. Maybe I should have lied and said yes lol... I wonder what he would have said!?

"Haha, no... I could never. Only my favourites get those 🌹" I replied.

"Aww. I feel so special."  he replied. "Wait. Favourites? Who else is there? 😮" he suddenly asked.

Once again he was being so weird and jealous, but I loved how playful it seemed. It was like he was in a goofy mood and wasn't being serious and uptight at all.

"Mmmm... nobody else yet 😝" I replied.

"Good. Lol. Are you out drinking again?" he asked.

"No, I'm at home waiting for Cass to get home from work. I'm not tired anyway... too much concert excitement lol." I replied.

"I'm on the bus." he responded. "In my bunk lol. Wish you were in it with me." he added.

I felt my heart leap. Whenever he said anything about us being together, or wishing I was where he was, it made me feel so good. I knew as soon as he mentioned the bunk that he was going to talk about sex though, and I guess it was a little disheartening to know it was literally all he thought of me. I really felt like it was the only reason he spoke to me at all. Honestly, I'd give just about anything to be in his bunk with him again though... he had no idea.

"Ohhhh, I remember the bunk lol. It was extremely cozy 😊." I replied.

"That's one way of putting it haha. Pretty sure you said it was the best sex of your life... 😁" he said.

God, he had such a one-track mind.

"Lol, it really was 🧡 How is the tour going anyway? You haven't fallen out of the bunk have you?! 😅" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from sex.

He didn't reply for a while and I was frustrated. It was like because I obviously didn't want to entertain his sex talk that he didn't want to talk to me anymore. Typical fuck boy. I rolled my eyes and went back to scrolling instagram, but he replied about 2 minutes later.

"Haha, no. Not this time! The tours alright, I'm just over it, hey. I don't really want to be here. I don't know why." he finally replied.

I was completely surprised at his response... that he'd admitted that... that he was so open and honest. I thought he was going to try and get into a sexting session with me, and now he was talking about his feelings? He'd never done that before and I suddenly felt so differently about our chat. I wasn't really sure what to say though... I didn't want to say something stupid. I guess I'd just try and be supportive.

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