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I woke up warm and cozy in Oli's arms, but I crawled out of bed being careful not to wake him and I found Cassidy barely awake in the living area with Ivy. "Hey babe, I was about to come wake you. I think she's about to start crying." Cass said as she bounced Ivy in her arms. I fed her before she could wake Oli with her screams, then we all bundled up and went to sit outside.

The air was cold and crisp, and I could tell it was foggy. "I feel like I'm in a Twilight movie." Cassidy laughed as she perched her feet up on the fire pit.
"Oh my God." I laughed. She had been addicted to that movie when we were teenagers...
We talked about what we were going to do back in San Francisco, about my trip to England in 8 days time and if I was nervous about meeting Oli's family. To be honest, I was. 
"Honestly, I don't know what they're going to think of me... Oli didn't exactly choose this life, maybe they'll think I trapped him, like he's only with me out of obligation." I said honestly. I'd never really talked about those fears before...
"Well no, he didn't, but he didn't have to be with you either... he could have been part of Ivy's life without having to be with you." she replied.
"I guess so..." I said unconvinced.
"So, how are things going with you two anyway? Have you... done anything?" she asked, obviously hinting at sex.
"No, nothing. We just cuddle. We haven't even made out... it's just slow and steady for now." I replied.
"That's not a bad thing, Wills. At least you know it's a deeper connection this time." she said.
"Yeah... I must admit that it's nice. Do you think he'd be getting frustrated though?" I asked.
"Nah, I think he's fine with it. I mean, I'm sure he wants to fuck you, but I'm pretty sure he isn't in a rush. I think he's just happy that you're giving him another chance to be honest." she said as she stretched. Cass always gave me the best advice.
"Hey, how would you feel if I told Oli to cancel his hotel booking and stay with us for the week? I just, now that we're sharing a bed, he could stay in my room." I asked cautiously.
"I don't mind at all." she replied. I thanked her and she squeezed my hand.

"You wanna go for another hike this morning before we check out?" she asked. "I read there's another waterfall about 30 minutes away... we could stop for breakfast on the way back - apparently there's amazing donuts so Oli will be happy." she chuckled. 
"That sounds amazing." I replied. We waited for Oli to wake up and he appeared behind the glass door inside about 20 minutes after Cass and I had sat in the fog. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed as he slid open the door, realising just how cold it was. "You might want a jumper, stupid." Cassidy laughed. Poor Oli had gone to join us in a shirt and boxers... definitely not the appropriate attire. I told him about our plan to hike and then go for breakfast, so he headed off to get dressed and I did the same. I broke out my long poncho-style jumper and as it was getting light, we headed off on our hike. 

We talked as we walked and Oli agreed to stay at the apartment with Cassidy and I, so cancelled his hotel booking once we were back in an area with service. I was excited to get to sleep beside him for a while longer and have his help with Ivy too. Speaking of Ivy, she was fast asleep against Oli's chest as she slept in her harness carrier, she didn't even wake to see the waterfall. The waterfall was tall and breath taking and breakfast was pretty impressive too, just coffee and donuts, but all maple glazed, sweet, sticky and utterly delicious. It was then time to head back to the cabin, pack the car and get back on the road to San Francisco.

As we drove, I posted a few photos to Instagram from our night in Big Sur; including our cabin, making smores, the beautiful waterfalls and Oli and I's majorly unhealthy breakfast - at least it looked good. 


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