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When Ivy turned four, I wondered where the time had gone. It seemed like only yesterday she was a tiny baby in my arms... which was funny because Oli and I started talking about kids, about babies, about having another one. I had obviously thought about it, but life was so busy for both of us and we had everything figured out with Ivy... she was old enough that travelling with her was quite easy and of course, she didn't wake me every three hours to be fed, so a baby would definitely throw a spanner in the works. Despite that, we both liked the idea and Oli really wanted it since he'd missed out on my entire pregnancy with Ivy, so it really just became a matter of when. We wanted to wait for the perfect time, but when would there ever be a 'perfect time'? We were both always busy. We always made things work though, we had figured things out with Ivy when she was the biggest bombshell to hit both of us, so with that in mind, we decided we'd let fate decide for us. We kind of agreed that we weren't actually 'trying', but we weren't actively avoiding pregnancy either. I guess we just decided that if it happened, it happened.

It was July when Oli went back on tour again; only a couple of weeks after coming home to celebrate Ivy's Birthday in San Francisco, and with only four months until they wrapped up touring the current album for at least a year so the band could make a new one. We'd come full circle from when we first moved into the house and Oli was about to start working on a new album. He hated leaving us to go on tour, but absence made the heart grow stronger and in a way, I guess having those breaks made us appreciate being together even more. 

Only two weeks after Oli had left for Europe, a week before he was coming back for a short 4-day visit, I found out I was pregnant. We had put having another baby in the hands of fate and it had already decided for us - and it had only been 2 weeks! Clearly the universe wanted another Syko in our little family. Finding out I was pregnant this time around was the complete opposite to when I found out with Ivy... I was overjoyed and crying with happiness instead of fear when I saw two pink lines on the pregnancy test indicating a positive result. I immediately rang Cassidy to tell her the news and she cried with joy, but I didn't tell Oli. Not yet. I decided to wait until he was back in San Francisco and I could tell him in person. I knew he was going to be absolutely over the moon.

The day Oli arrived home I had organised a surprise, so when I saw his car drop him at our front gate, I told Ivy to hide in her room. I ran to the door and hugged Oli so tightly, so full of excitement about what I was about to tell him, then told him to take a seat because Ivy had something for him. In the same way he had proposed to me two years earlier, I was going to reveal our baby news to him. I'd had a t-shirt made that Ivy was wearing... but I'd dressed her in a jumper too so she could do the big reveal. "Ivy sweetheart, Daddy's home!" I yelled out to her once Oli was inside. She ran down the stairs and into the living room with the biggest smile and Oli smiled just as big right back at her. God the love he had for her was beautiful. He picked her up and kissed her about twenty times, telling her she'd gotten bigger and that she was even more beautiful. It was always so sweet when they reunited, even after just a few weeks. I let him fuss over her and let Ivy tell him what she'd been doing while he was away, then I asked her if she wanted to give Daddy her surprise. She nodded, climbed off his lap and stood in front of him, turning her back to him like such a pro as she pulled her jumper off. She turned around and giggled as the words 'Big Sister in training' jumped off her shirt. I had not been subtle what-so-ever. The font was bright pink and huge.

Oli looked puzzled for a second before his expression changed and he looked over at me. "Wait..." he said as his eyes darted down to my stomach then back up. "Are you...?" he asked, trailing off. I could see the way his eyes were already glazing over, like tears were already arriving so I just smiled and nodded as mine did the same. "Oh my God." he said with an overwhelmed smile before hugging me tightly. He was already crying and Ivy, bless her, asked him what was wrong as she tugged at his shirt. "Nothing's wrong, sweetie." he said as he put one of his arms around her, still hugging me with the other.
"Oh my God, I'm so happy. I'll be with you this time." he said, clearly crying with happiness.
"Daddy, why are you crying?" Ivy asked as she stood there watching us.
"I haven't explained anything to her yet." I whispered as he let me go. He brought her up onto his lap and we told her that she was going to have a little baby brother or sister next year, and while I'm not sure she completely understood, she was happy, saying she would play with them and that Poppy would be their best friend too... so cute!

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