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The night felt like it dragged on forever. I was so eager for Cassidy to get home so I could tell her what had happened, though I was still trying to believe it myself. Oli was going to fly me to Mexico so he could see me? I couldn't understand why he would want to do that... I mean, I knew what he wanted, but it's not like there weren't girls there... it's not like he wouldn't be able to find sex. In fact, I'm pretty sure he dated a girl from Mexico once.

When Cassidy finally walked in the door, she said 'Hi' and went straight to the fridge for water so I went and leaned over our kitchen bench and stared at her. She noticed me and paused her drinking and frowned at me. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked in confusion. I felt the words coming up my throat, about to spew out of my mouth in a massive jumble of excitement,  disbelief and nerves. "I'm going to Mexico. To see Oli." I blurted out. "He called me and said he wanted to buy me a plane ticket... for me to fly down there. He has 6 days off and he's going to some resort by the beach and then has a show in Mexico city that he wants me to go to too. They had some festival get cancelled in South America so that's why he has time off and he's flying up early... to Acapulco." I rambled at speed. Cassidy stood there just looking at me with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry, did you just say Oli Sykes called you... to ask if he can fly you to Mexico to see him?" she asked calmly. I just stopped, looked at her and nodded and we were both silent for a moment.
"Fuck." she said seriously. "Holy fuck." she said now putting her bottle on the bench like she was weak. "And you said yes...?" she asked. I just nodded at her as we stood staring at each other from opposite sides of the bench. She suddenly squealed loudly and started laughing, then ran around the bench and squeezed me tightly. "HE'S FUCKING OBSESSED WITH YOUUUUU!" she squealed with laughter. I just laughed, though I didn't exactly agree. "Oh my God, you're finally going to get dick again!!!" she said with a deep laugh. Ugh, she was so vulgar lol.
"When are you going!?" she asked as she let me go.
"September 20. He's sending me the info tomorrow I think." I replied.
"Holy fucking shit. I can't believe this. I can't believe that Oli Sykes wants to bone you so badly that he's buying you an international fucking plane ticket!" she said. "Oh Wills, I'm so happy and excited for you! You're going to be fucking like rabbits!!" she said. I rolled my eyes, I swear that's all she cared about, though, I guess it was the reason he was inviting me. I wasn't even mad about it though - I wanted it as much as he did.

I sent him a photo of my passport information page and Cassidy and I sat up until 1am talking about what I was going to wear, what I should take with me... of course she suggested lingerie and sexy outfits, and I wasn't against it. I still hadn't worn the black lacey underwear set I bought from Victoria's Secret in Atlanta when I was on tour with him! We went to bed soon after 1, but I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was being with Oli again; in his bed, in his arms... and subsequently trying to stop myself from getting  turned on as I thought about having sex with him again. My God, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I missed intimacy so much, even if I never wanted to admit it. I scrolled back through our chats to the selfie he'd sent me back in Malibu; the one where he was laying in bed in a hoodie. At the time, it was a fantasy to be with him again and it made me crave closeness so much, so knowing I was actually going to be in his arms again made me so fucking happy.

Cassidy took me shopping the next day... and I'm not going to lie, I started doing a 2 week tone-up challenge through an app to make sure I looked my absolute best when I got to Mexico. I'd be practically living in bikinis and underwear, or less, so I wanted to feel good. I bought some new shoes, a really gorgeous beachy dress to take and I booked myself a haircut too, you know, to make sure I felt great. 

Oli sent flight details through to me that night and as soon as I opened them, my body flooded with anxious excitement. There it was; a booking confirmation in my name. The proof that it was really happening. I could barely believe that he had actually done it. I hoped it wasn't insanely expensive!

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