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Cassidy and I chilled out on the deck while the guys went down to the sand to throw a ball around. I was so relaxed already, but I looked over at her and laughed as I thought about my shopping trip with Oli. "Was it you who requested condoms?" I asked randomly. She started laughing and looked over at me with a guilty expression. "You know I had to buy those with Oli... like I had to tell him to get them and then have the cashier assume they were for us. It was so embarrassing." I explained.
"I'm sorry." she laughed. "I mean I bought a few in case I met someone, but I didn't know Brian would be here!" she quipped. I just laughed and shook my head. 

From where we were laying, we could see the guys running around, tackling each other, just generally behaving like children as usual. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't watching Oli though... he'd finally ditched his t-shirt so I was oogling his body. I had suspected it back at the hotel, but now that he was shirtless, he had definitely gotten bigger. His shoulders were wider and his arms were definitely more muscular. He was running around with a smile, laughing and calling Mat in particular names as they hurled a ball at each other and he seemed happy. He looked so fucking good in nothing but shorts - though he was still wearing his beanie, even on the beach. "I see you, you know." Cassidy said after a while. 
"What?" I questioned. She just chuckled.
"You're totally perving on Oli..." she said with a cheeky grin.
"I'm not perving on anyone, I'm just watching them wondering why fully-grown, adult men always behave like children when they're in groups." I replied.
"Uh huh." she said unconvinced. "By the way, Oli has definitely been working out, look at his biceps!" she quipped. She wasn't wrong. I had definitely noticed...
"Yeah, you're right." I replied.
"So you were perving." she laughed. God she was annoying. I just rolled my eyes. "Well, in case you were wondering, I'm sitting here watching Brian, thinking about fucking his brains out tonight." she said without a filter. I just rolled my eyes again as she laughed.
"And on that note, I'm going to go put up some Halloween decorations for tonight." I exclaimed. I did not need to hear her telling me about her sex life! I went inside and started hanging the faux spider webs, attaching decals to the windows, propping faux tombstones against the walls. I just focused on the main lounge for full effect and Cass joined me after about 5 minutes to help. We made the room look amazing, found bowls for our snacks and even researched creepy drinks we could make. We came up with a couple; one red one that we could float plastic spiders on, and one that mixed green melon liqueur and a Bailey's and would end up looking like toxic sludge. That one reminded me of the alien bar I'd taken Oli to in San Francisco! 

The guys came up to the house as we were researching and were impressed by the decorations, though wondered why we'd done it. "Oh yeah," Oli said as he stood in the dining room. "It's Halloween so I figured we should have a party tonight, and to celebrate being here. I bought costumes and masks and shit too." he laughed.
"Of course you did." Jordan laughed. Despite the guys laughing at Oli's enthusiasm for dress ups, everyone seemed keen, so Cass and I got back to researching while the guys chilled out with beers on the deck. Oli had been upstairs and returned, finally without his damn beanie. "Hey, does my hair look green to you?" Oli asked as he came over to us in the kitchen. It kind of did, like not super obviously green, but a little bit. "Yeah it kind of does." I laughed. 
"Fucks sakes." he whinged with a laugh. 
"It was probably the hotel pool." I suggested. "I'm pretty sure chlorine can make bleached hair go green." I added. He just rolled his eyes then grabbed an apple before heading to join the others. Poor Oli. No wonder he'd been hiding in a beanie! Me and Cass both laughed once he'd gone though, he was actually so fucking funny.

Once Cassidy and I had finished decorating and planning the food and creepy cocktails for our party, I took Ivy upstairs to feed her while Cass joined everyone else on the deck. I scrolled Instagram as I fed her to kill time, and I laughed out loud when I saw what Oli had posted just a moment ago.

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