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Once the sun had set, we headed back up to the house. I went and sat beside Tilly on the daybed and asked how her night had been while Mat headed inside and chatted with Oli in the kitchen. I tried not to look at him, to focus on what Tilly was saying to me, but he kept smiling and he was so gorgeous when he did that. I forced myself to look away and focus on Tilly as she asked me about Ivy and I told her about the karaoke. We were just sitting there chatting happily, but she seemed to be amused by something and after a minute or so, curiosity got the better of me.
"What?" I asked with a smile.
"Ugh, Sorry... I'm so distracted." she laughed.  "I'm sorry if this is really cringe, because I know there's nothing going on between you guys anymore, but... girl, Oli can't take his eyes off of you." she said quietly.
"Oh, I'm sure he's just looking around or seeing if I have Ivy or something." I replied awkwardly.
She just kind of smirked at me. "Keep telling yourself that babe." she said with chuckle. "He can't even take his eyes off you when his best friend's talking to him." she giggled. I looked to the kitchen and Oli and Mat were both looking in our direction. I felt so awkward, like they were talking about me or something. "Well for the record I think you're really cute together, and just imagine if you actually fell in love with each other after having a baby together. You'd be total family goals. Well, you already are... cutest family ever!" she gushed. Oh boy. This had suddenly become embarrassing for me. We weren't going to fall in love... Oli didn't know how to, or at least didn't want to. Loving Ivy was inevitable, but loving me was something different entirely. She didn't know about anything that had happened between Oli and I in Mexico so it was easy for her to want to play matchmaker, but I knew if he was looking at me, it didn't mean what she thought it did. "Sorry, ignore me. I'm just a hopeless romantic." she laughed before starting to tell me about some friends she'd managed to play cupid for. 

I really liked Tilly, but she made me feel so awkward when she started talking about Oli and I. Deep down I knew that I felt something for him, that in certain moments I missed the closeness we used to have, that I still really liked it when we were close and it felt so comfortable, but other people's opinions just felt... awkward. I liked keeping my feelings to myself, probably as a defence mechanism from being hurt again, so when someone else mentioned them, it just scared me a little.

Everyone eventually joined Tilly and I out on the deck, listening to the ocean as the high tide lapped against the sand below the house. It was so relaxing and the moon was glowing over the water. Cassidy and Brian sat close and had little private moments all night, as did Tilly and Matt... it was actually really cute, I loved seeing Cassidy with someone she liked in more than just a physical way. We talked about the world and everything within it; life, love, loss... it wasn't a deep conversation, but the hours just passed without me even realising. I couldn't have been happier being amongst these people who were all interesting in their own unique ways, but I couldn't help missing the little signs of affection I noticed happening between the couples. I missed those little things probably more than anything else, the cute moments and little inside jokes...

By 9pm, I was surprised Ivy wasn't screaming to be fed, so I decided to go up and check on her, and I decided to bow out of the night at the same time. I had been up at 6am for Ivy, so I was already pretty tired. "Alright guys, I have to go and feed Ivy, so I'm going to be really lame and retreat to bed once I'm done." I said.
"Aww, but we want to hang out with you longer, Roses!" Mat replied.
"I know, I want to hang out with you guys longer too, but Ivy gets me up so early... I need to shower and get in my PJs and get some sleep so I can be fun tomorrow." I laughed.
"Alright, well, I guess you have a good excuse." he replied.
"I might head to my room too actually, I need to check my emails and do some work stuff" Oli replied. That seemed convenient. Maybe he just wanted to see Ivy.
"Oh I see how it is, everyone wants alone time..." Mat laughed.
"You know, I might retreat to my room as well, to watch a movie." Cassidy suddenly stated. I stood there wondering how I had started a mass exodus. "Alright, well, have a good night everyone, see you in the morning." I chuckled. I gave Cass a quick hug before heading for the stairs and up to my room for the night.
"Willow, wait up." Oli called out as I reached the second level.
"Can I come help you with Ivy?" he asked. 
"Of course you can." I replied with a chuckle. He was so weird for even asking. As if I was going to not let him say goodnight to her.

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