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When Oli came off stage, I just smiled at him, and he waited there with me while the others finished up. I stepped up to Mat's little platform as he was grabbing all of his drumsticks and asked him if I could have one, and he laughed. He handed me a used one and then went off to make some other fans' nights as he threw them to the crowd. Oli was sculling a bottle of water while that happened and once I was back, smiling stupidly with a drumstick in my hand, he shook his head at me and laughed. "You know you could have had like 10 of those by now." he said.
"I know, but I kept forgetting." I replied as the others made their way off stage. 
"I've got something for you too." Oli said as we started wandering down the hallway. I chuckled. "Oh I bet you do..." I said, thinking it was a sex reference.
"You know, there is more to me than just a penis." he said, shoving me playfully with a laugh. I actually felt kind of bad, but come on, that's what he always seemed to be interested in and talking about.

When we got to the dressing room, he pulled a sheet of paper from his backpack and handed it to me. "You know, since it's got your name in it." he said with a dramatic eye roll. It was handwritten lyrics to the old song he'd sung that night; the song with 'roses' in it. I don't know why, but it really pulled at my heartstrings. It seemed like the sweetest thing that he'd written them out and that he was giving them to me. I just stared at him kind of in disbelief for a minute, then threw myself at him and hugged him with total disregard to the others being there, and with zero thought about if he would totally freak out or hate me being affectionate or anything. "Alright, alright, it's just lyrics." he said as he quickly hugged me back and kind of removed himself from my arms. I guess he wasn't too keen on the PDA. "Would you sign it for me?" I asked. He chuckled and found his pen and signed it, and I thanked him with the dopiest smile ever. It was the most amazing memento from the tour I could ever imagine.

 It was the most amazing memento from the tour I could ever imagine

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Oh God, now I've done it. She's looking at me with the eyes, Haha. 

Jesus Christ, it was just a little gift... don't go catching feelings now. We've come so far!


The guys showered and changed, and they all decided to go out to celebrate the end of the tour. I refused to think about it - well at least think about the fact that those words meant Oli was leaving in just over a day. We ended up going to some English bar that I found, and everyone was straight into the drinks. Oli sat beside me and we started talking about random things, but all I could really think about was that he was going to leave, so I guess it steered the conversation.
"So what are you doing when you leave here? Are you still going to be on tour?" I asked, curious to know. "Yeah, we have a couple of weeks off at home then we've got 6 weeks straight on tour in Europe." he replied like he wasn't exactly looking forward to it. The thought of him finding some other girl over there made me feel horrible, but I knew I just had to push those thoughts and feelings away.
"Do you get homesick?" I asked to kind of change the topic. I know I would miss Cassidy if I were away from her for that long! "Kind of. I miss my dogs and my own bed, but it's not too bad." he replied with a chuckle. I couldn't help but smile at that. It was so cute that he missed his dogs. "You must be going to every country in Europe if you're touring for six weeks." I questioned. He was so lucky he got paid to travel the world, and I found it fascinating. I would love sitting and listening to him talk about his adventures and all of the places he's been.
"It's only 10 I think. We're starting in Russia then flying down South and making our way back up to England in the bus." he said. It sounded so cool.
"You're so lucky you get to visit so many amazing places." I replied. "I have always wanted to go to Italy and Greece... and England." I added. "I want to do one of those bus tours with a bunch of young people all around Europe. That would be so much fun." I said.
"You should. Before you get a job saving the planet." he replied with a smile. I just laughed. He had a point.

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