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Oli had asked me to move in with him. I had no idea that kind of invitation was coming so naturally, I was in complete shock. I just sat there unsure of what to say, nothing had registered in my mind yet, but my heart was beating so hard in my chest. "I have already found a few places that look nice... they're close to parks, near your Uni... they're all four bedrooms so there would be plenty of room for Cassidy to move in too." he explained with a smile. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about her. I know she's your best friend. I would never dream of asking you to leave her." he added with a nervous smile. My heart was pounding. He wanted to let Cassidy move in too? Oh my God. "I know it's a really big decision but I want it more than anything. It doesn't have to happen straight away... It can be later, I just want to be with you, always. Ivy too." he said gently.

"Oli... I, I don't know what to say." I stuttered. It wasn't that I was scared or wanted to say no, I was just speechless that he'd asked me, even more so that he'd given it all so much thought. "It's OK, you don't have to say anything." he said as he kissed the side of my head. "I just wanted you to know what I'm thinking. I'll just be writing next year too, so if you wanted to go back to Uni, you could totally do that. I know you love Ivy and she's your priority, but there's nothing stopping you from being a Mum and following your dreams too. I don't want you to give up on them. I want you to have your life, explore your passions... you shouldn't have to sacrifice them." he said. I could feel tears welling in my eyes. He was so considerate and thoughtful... he really wanted me to be happy and it warmed my heart. "I have constantly left you to deal with everything while I've been on tour, so I want to be there for you to do your thing too. It's my turn to be the stay at home dad." he chuckled lightly. I didn't want to cry and have him see me be emotional for the millionth time but I couldn't stop myself. I felt so fucking loved and seen and cared for, like I was valid and worthy. Like he truly believed in me and appreciated how much work raising a baby actually was. He hugged me so tightly when he saw a tear roll down my cheek. "I don't need an answer now, but it's my dream Willow... to buy a house in San Francisco and live with you and Ivy. It has been for months, even before I knew if there was any chance of you taking me back." he said. I pressed my face into his neck and just sat there in his embrace. As if I needed anything else to make Venice more special to me than it already was... 

I wasn't going to say yes on a whim or make any rash decisions, but honestly, I loved the idea of living with Oli. I had always dreamed of having a place with a yard so that I could adopt a dog for Ivy, I just didn't think it would come so soon, or with Oli. I told him that I would have to speak with Cassidy about it, but he understood and that meant a lot to me. He also told me to take my time and think it through, that we didn't even have to think about it until after London, but that was going to impossible. It was practically all I was going to think about. I really had no idea how Cassidy would react to the whole proposition and I didn't know what I'd do if she was a hard 'no'. I guess the idea of living with Oli made me happy and made me feel supported; it felt like a positive thing, not only for me, but for Ivy too... I just hoped Cassidy would see it the same way. Even if we didn't go for it straight away, I hoped she'd at least be open to it when our lease came up for renewal in the new year.

We decided together not to speak to her or anyone about it until after our time in London, just as a precaution in case Cassidy was against it... I knew her reaction could upset me and I didn't want to be sad when I was in the second most exciting city in the world, second only to Venice of course. 

Our last dinner in Venice as a group was amazing, and even though Ivy was in our room once we'd turned in for the night, Oli and I made love one more time in that beautiful hotel before falling asleep in each others' arms. We'd arrived in Venice together but in an unsure, non-physical kind of 'dating' way, but were leaving as an official couple, completely in love, re-connected and no longer held back by fears or the past. Oli had been proving himself to me for a while, but I finally believed him completely when he said he loved me. There wasn't any doubt anymore, only happiness.

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