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We met Tom for dinner after a couple of hours of relaxing and drinking champagne as we took a break after our full-on day of sightseeing. I had loved our explorations, but I was pretty tired. We had dinner at the other restaurant in the hotel, the more fancy one that overlooked the canal and the food was very, very good. It couldn't compare to that incredibly beautiful view though. Between Oli and the Cathedral, I didn't know what I liked looking at more. I was falling in love with him again and I knew I had no hope in stopping myself even if I wanted to. 

We all ordered pasta because, well, it would be a sin to not eat pasta in Italy and we drank the local wine too which was very nice. We actually decided to order a couple of bottles to take home for gifts; one for Oli and Tom's parents and maybe one to take back to San Francisco as a souvenir. The three of us sat and chatted about our day, Tom even brought up my adventure in the fountain since he'd seen Oli's photo on Instagram... I wasn't going to live that down any time soon, lol. We headed up to our room around 10pm, but Tom came to sit on our balcony with us and drink more wine until we called it a night around 11. I was asleep in bed before Oli and Tom had turned in for the night, but they, or at least Oli, was used to me always leaving the party early. I didn't even notice him get into the bed, lol.

We spent the next day exploring with our guide again. I didn't make the same mistake of wearing an outfit to look good in photos, instead I dressed in jeans and sneakers for comfort. I had thrown suffering for fashion completely out the window, lol. We took gondolas around a lot more to save our feet, visiting a gorgeous garden cafe to learn how to make cannoli; a famous Italian dessert and also how to make our own pasta. I loved that part of our day and I really hoped I'd be able to remember all the tips to be able to make it at home for Cassidy! She'd be so impressed. We went to some shops and inside a couple of galleries and museums, but we avoided the crowds and everything was a much slower pace, so that was a nice change. We stopped in at another lace boutique and I picked out a top as a gift for Cassidy, and surprisingly, when I saw the lingerie, I kind of wanted to buy some. It was just so incredibly beautiful that I wanted to own it, even though I wasn't sure when I would be ready to wear it and share it with Oli. I guess we hadn't reached that stage again yet, but I was appreciative that he didn't pressure me or ever even ask about it. I took a few things into the changing rooms and the lingerie was just beautiful. I had to have it. I tried to be inconspicuous with my purchases; a stunning white  bra and panties set for myself and the gorgeous top for Cassidy, to not give Oli the wrong idea or anything, but I have a feeling that he may have noticed.



OK. Don't over think this, but... pretty sure she's buying lingerie.

Oh lord, please don't let me think about her in lingerie... I can't handle that right now, lol.

Don't get me wrong, I'm totally OK with waiting for the physical side of things until she is comfortable enough, but of course I want it. How could I not? She's fucking beautiful and I'm completely in love with her.

Alright Oli, think about something else, anything else...


After spending a couple more hours wandering around and exploring town, we headed back to the hotel, this time at the much earlier hour of 3pm, with much more time to chill out before dinner. Our dinner that night wasn't with Tom and it wasn't at the hotel... tonight was Oli and I's second official date, the one he'd bribed me to go on with the outfit yesterday, lol. Obviously I didn't need any convincing... I was happy to go out with him. He was my boyfriend now after all. Tom had offered to watch Ivy for us so we could enjoy each others' company without having to worry about her, and honestly, I was really looking forward to it. I took a bath to chill out before getting ready, blow drying my hair, putting on makeup and dressing into my beautiful, new, Venetian lace outfit. It was actually a little weird to be getting ready to go out somewhere nice without Cassidy there to make me look good, lol. I loved that I always had her on my mind though, even in Venice as I got ready for a date. It must say a lot about our friendship!

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