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The following day, I met Oli at his hotel at 11am. I was taking him out while Cassidy was home babysitting Ivy, at least until she left for work at 4pm. It was the second time Oli was in San Francisco and until now I'd really not taken him anywhere or shown him anything, so I was going to give him a whirlwind tour of a few cool things now that I had the time to do so. I was a lot more comfortable around him now too, so I was actually kind of excited to go out and forget about my responsibilities for a while.

Oli was in the lobby when I arrived at the Four Seasons, dressed in one of his usual black jeans, hoodie and beanie combinations, staring at his phone until he noticed me. The way he smiled at me when he saw me made me awkwardly happy, and he stood up to give me a huge hug. "I'm almost disappointed you didn't wear your San Francisco shirt from last night..." I joked. He just laughed. "Damn. I didn't think of that. I can always buy another one." he laughed as he put his phone away, ready to give me his full attention and play the perfect tourist. 

I took Oli down to Fisherman's Wharf since it's such a well-known tourist attraction. I pointed out Alcatraz island and showed him the sealions that reside by Pier 39. He bought some locally-made taffy in as many weird flavours as he could find; popcorn, peanut butter & jelly, apple pie too. His poor teeth! I took him to the beach West of the Golden Gate bridge since he'd always seemed to like being by the water, then we headed to Cass and I's favourite little Vietnamese cafe for lunch. That place never disappointed, and I think Oli was an instant fan, so much so that we ordered extra to bring home with us to eat later; bahn mi's, rice paper rolls, cold noodle salads... delicious! We decided to go to the fair since it wasn't far away; the one we were supposed to visit the night before, and this time I wouldn't dampen our plans with a Mom incident during the walk there! The fair wasn't too busy, but still full of fun and excitement. Oli played some of the carnival games because he wanted to win a toy for Ivy, we rode the chair swing and I bought a show bag for Cass full of all her favourite candies as a Thank you for babysitting. Oli wanted me to go in the haunted house with him but I refused to, so he went alone... exiting with the goofiest smile on his face like a child. Lol. I hated how fucking gorgeous he was when he was happy and excited and how it was impossible to ignore it every time he smiled. 

With only an hour or so until we had to head home to Ivy, I took Oli to a new bar that I thought he would like; it was based off of the 'Alien' movies by H. R. Giger, and I knew the drinks all had crazy names. It was almost like a nod to the first time we got to know each other at that gamer bar in Indianapolis. "Holy fuck!" Oli exclaimed as we entered what could only be described as a space that looked like a movie set. I had never seen Oli as excited as he was in that bar... he was practically running around, touching everything, spinning on the chairs and that beautiful smile of his never left his face. "This place is EPIC." he said excitedly as I sat into one of the crazy chairs opposite him and looked through the menu. Oli ended up ordering a cocktail called 'Dark Shadow' that was literally black and matched him perfectly, and I had one called 'Alien Blood'. Both of them looked disgusting but actually tasted amazing. "How much do you reckon it would cost for me to make my lounge room look like this?" Oli joked as we sipped out drinks. I just laughed. I hoped he was joking. He took so many photos though that maybe he wasn't. He posted one to instagram and I wondered if he'd thought about people questioning why he was in San Francisco, but I wasn't going to ask. It didn't really matter. He seemed to be having the best time and that made me happy.

 He seemed to be having the best time and that made me happy

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