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I'm pleased to say that the weather the day after we arrived was much better. It was still overcast and cold, but there was no rain and the wind had died down too - so much so that we got to have our breakfast on the rooftop with an incredible view over London. It was the perfect way to start our day, to start our whirlwind tour of the city - and the food was delicious too.

Oli had organised us tickets on the double-decker hop-on, hop-off bus that day; a sightseeing bus that travelled all around London to all of the main sights and attractions. I was a little concerned about Ivy on an open bus, but Oli assured me she would be completely safe if he put her in her harness, keeping her warm and secure against his chest. I trusted him, so we headed off and I could barely contain my excitement. I expected tonnes of other people at the bus stop, but of course, Oli had organised for us to have the bus to ourselves... he always did things like that, not that I would have minded other people being on it with us. 

We started at Trafalgar Square and I rarely put my phone down as we travelled because there were so many things to be seen around every corner; St Paul's Cathedral, The Shard, Tower Bridge, Covent Garden, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, Hyde Park, Harrods (again) and of course Buckingham Palace. I literally squealed so loudly when I saw that building, so loudly that I woke Ivy and made her cry. Shit. We travelled back past Westminster Abbey and Big Ben once again, and the bus dropped us off where we'd started a few hours after we left. I was absolutely full of excited energy, so we decided to go back to the hotel to feed Ivy, then put her in her pram and venture out on foot. We walked up to Covent Garden for lunch, browsing the shops and markets along the way, then settling in at a beautiful yet unsuspecting cafe. Oli purchased a couple of those funny Pop Vinyl figurines; dinosaur ones from a pop-culture place, plus a t-shirt from a little alternative boutique we stopped at. I had only bought a few little things as souvenirs but I was having a great time window shopping and letting the boys do their thing. We ended up walking up to Oxford street and browsing the shops there too; Oli bought Ivy the sweetest 'My first Christmas' toy and ornament from the Disney store and I couldn't resist heading into Ted Baker; an English designer's boutique. They had such beautiful things, so I got a gorgeous Christmas gift for Cass; a sun hat, clutch, bracelet, scarf and sunglasses... things I knew she would use. I spoiled myself and bought a little bag too because I loved the design and colour. By 4pm the skies were dark and I was absolutely exhausted, but I adored the Christmas lights in the streets and the holiday window displays all so festive and beautiful. We ended up walking all the way back to the hotel after exploring some of the little pedestrian areas and admiring the angels strung overhead on Regent street. We picked up some amazing cakes from an incredible looking bakery and made our way back through West End to the hotel by around 5pm. We decided to just have dinner at the hotel restaurant since we were all quite tired, and before turning in for the night, I decided to take a long, relaxing bath. 

I had the most amazing day and seen so many things in London already, but I was still excited to do more. I was all shopped out after the afternoon we'd had though... I had a Christmas gift for Cass, plus a few things for myself - and Oli had bought me more things than I found acceptable, but he always insisted. I loved the way he spoiled me, I really did, but it made me feel a little guilty considering everything he'd done for me already with five-star hotels and first-class flights. We went to bed early and skipped our usual romp in favour of rest so we'd be ready to tackle another day of being tourists.

Over the next few days we did so many amazing things. We went on the London Eye and admired the views of the city, we visited Tate Modern; the modern art gallery, we took a tour of the Tower of London to see the crown jewels, we wandered around Hyde Park, we went to the British Museum, we climbed to the top of St Paul's Cathedral and while we couldn't go inside, we went to Buckingham palace and watched the changing of the guard. We ate at many amazing places, some fancy, some hidden gems and Oli even took me to see a musical in West End! We also went for afternoon tea at Harrod's and Oli got me to help him with his Christmas shopping. He wanted something for me, for Ivy and for his Mom, which I understood, but I was surprised when he said he wanted to buy Cassidy a gift too. He wanted to spend way too much money on something designer for both of us, but I talked him into something less extravagant... though he still managed to spend thousands on all the things he purchased. I don't know if he was just really happy and feeling generous, but he didn't need to flash his money with me. I appreciated the beautiful hotels and that he'd flown me first class around the world, but none of it was necessary. "Oli. You know I really do appreciate everything you do for me, but you really don't need to buy all this stuff. I love you regardless." I said quietly as the counter staff wrapped his purchases for him in beautiful Harrod's wrapping paper. "I know, but I want to. I like having someone to spoil." he replied with a smile. I wasn't going to fight with him or tell him what to do, so long as I'd told him what I needed to say and he understood where I was coming from. "OK, as long as you know I'd love you the same if you didn't." I replied as I grabbed onto his arm and squeezed it lovingly. "I know." he whispered before quickly kissing my head. The lady at the counter smiled at me as if she thought we were adorable and honestly, I didn't blame her. He was so affectionate with me in front of people... it was like he was proud to be with me and that made me feel so loved.

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