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Cass and I arrived at the bar at 8pm. Our friends were already there when we arrived, and the bar had been set up with balloons and a 'Happy Birthday' banner around a little area with couches and low tables. "Willow, you look amazing!" one of my friends squealed as she jumped up to greet me with a hug. "Oh, Thanks. I tried." I replied kind of awkwardly.
"Girl, are you sure you had a baby a month ago?" another of my friends laughed as she hugged me. It felt nice that they were showering me with praise and making me feel good about myself. I guess I did look pretty hot, if I do say so myself.

A waiter came and took our drinks order and Cassidy told him to put everything on a tab as she ordered a round of cocktails for the group so we could do a cheers. We had finger foods and delicious canapes too and for the first hour or so, we just grazed, drank and chatted - mostly about Ivy to be honest, but they also asked about the roses I'd received since they'd all seen my post on instagram. "I reckon it's  Baby Daddy." one of the girls laughed. Baby Daddy... why did that have such a sexy ring to it? "Do you think it was Oli? Maybe you have a secret admirer." someone else asked. I didn't know, probably not, it probably shouldn't be Oli since he was in a relationship with someone else anyway. I don't think I'd be comfortable with my boyfriend sending another girl red roses. I didn't expect anything from him anyway, but I still felt a little sad that he hadn't wished me a happy birthday... I just thought we were friends enough that he would I guess.

Cassidy changed the topic and said that I should open my presents before we ordered food, and my friends had clearly not held back. I almost felt bad about how many things they'd got for me; two bottles of wine, a gorgeous pair of heels, expensive body products, candles and the most beautiful white, silk, Valentino top I have ever seen. The friend who gifted me that works at Nordstrom, so I guess she'd get a discount, but still. Valentino!  "Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful!" I squealed. It felt so beautiful in my fingers, it was so delicate and pretty. My friends absolutely spoilt me and I thanked them for being so generous. We ordered food to share and every time I thought about ordering another drink, there was already one put in front of me. I didn't want to go crazy, so I paced myself but by 9:30pm, I could already feel it affecting me a little. I switched to water at that point because I didn't want to be drunk in case of an Ivy emergency. Speaking of Ivy, I texted my Mum to ask if she was fine and she replied telling me to stop worrying. Lol. Oops. I guess I couldn't help but be a bit of an over-protective parent.

The girls had organised a cake so the entire bar sang Happy Birthday to me and not long after, the restaurant vibe started switched to more of a busy bar scene. It wasn't a trashy place, so it wasn't like there was a DJ and a dancefloor, but a jazz band started playing in the corner at 10pm and people had starting to get up and dance in the area in front of the bar. Of course, some of the girls were already kind of drunk, so I went with them to dance and I swung around, looking like a total weirdo.

"Ummm... Willow." one of my friends said to me. "I think there's someone here to see you." she stated in wide-eyed shock as she put her hands on my shoulders to turn me around. What? 
"What are you talking about?" I asked in confusion. The friends dancing with me had stopped and were just staring behind me. As my eyes looked around, they quickly landed on the person coming straight toward me with a smile on his face and I felt everything in my body react. I actually squeezed my eyes shut tight and opened them again to prove to myself I wasn't just drunk and seeing things. What the fuck?



My God. 

That cannot be Willow...

Holy fucking... she looks... wow. Did she even actually have a baby?! You would never even fucking know... 

Geez, get it together, dude.


"Hey!" Oli said to me with a big smile as he got close to me.
"Oli?! What are you doing here?!" I practically screamed as I threw my arms around him. He kind of chuckled as he squeezed me back. "I thought you were getting in tomorrow afternoon!!" I stated in complete surprise and confusion as I let him go. My God he looked so good and he smelt even better. Jesus. Why was he here though? What was going on? I was so shocked and very confused. 
"Well, I decided to come straight after the show last night. I changed my flight. I haven't really slept properly though so I'm really fucking tired, but now I get an extra day here. Plus I got to say Happy Birthday in person." he replied with a smile. My heart thumped so hard in my chest, even though I didn't want it to. The way he smiled just about made me melt into a puddle. I wondered if my friends overheard what he said... I wondered if they were saying 'aww' like I was inside my head. I didn't want to let my mind wander into thinking he cared about me, that he made so much effort and sacrifice to be there for my birthday, but... he did. 
"You're... absolutely insane!" I replied with a laugh.



She's wearing the same perfume she wore in Acapulco... my God, it takes me right back there.

That really was such an amazing week. I still think it was the most carefree and happy I've been in a really long time... 

She looks exactly how she did then too. Actually, I don't even know how, but she looks better.

My God.

Ok, seriously dude, don't stare. 




"I uh, I got you something." he said as he handed me a card. The envelope was black, and that was so very Oli. I didn't even say anything for a moment, I just stood there looking at him. "Willow?" he said with a laugh. "Sorry!" I squealed. Oh my god, how embarrassing... "Sorry I just, I can't believe you're here..." I said with a chuckle as I started opening the card. 

The card was glittery and gold and very pretty, and inside was a $500 gift voucher for a day spa. What the actual fuck?!?! I was so shocked and it was way too much, but all I could focus on was the way he had hand-written my name and a little note saying that he hoped I had a lovely Birthday. Then there was the way he signed his name, exactly how he had done on the flower drawing he did for me in San Diego... exactly how he'd signed his hand-written lyrics in Atlanta, and the CD and record the band gifted me last year. I don't know why the handwritten stuff affected me so much, but it did. "I didn't know what to get you, but I knew you got Cassidy a spa voucher for her Birthday, so I figured you'd like that kind of thing too. It's for the spa at the Four Seasons." he explained.
"Oli... this is way too much!" I said. It really, really was.
"Nah, you deserve it regardless of it being your Birthday or not anyway." he said with a shrug. I hugged him so tightly and with so much gratitude. I wanted to press my face into his chest and stand there hugging him forever, but I felt Cassidy and my friends' eyes on us and I suddenly remembered that I shouldn't get too close, I couldn't. I shouldn't even want to because he wasn't mine and never would be. I felt a little embarrassed as I let him go, but at least I could blame it on the alcohol.

"So um, I guess, uh, there's food and we have a bar tab so just order whatever you want." I said awkwardly as I turned back toward our private area. "And... these are my friends." I said in an awkward, still confused kind of way. I didn't really think I'd ever be introducing Oli to my friends, let alone so spontaneously and soon after he became a permanent fixture in my life. The girls stepped forward straight away to introduce themselves and I appreciated their warmth and openness toward him, I wouldn't want him to feel like an intruder or something. Cassidy even approached him and I held my breath wondering how they were going to greet each other, you know, shake hands or wave or whatever, but she actually hugged him. Cassidy hugged Oli. It was the shortest hug I've ever seen and it looked kind of awkward but she did it never-the-less. I just stood there watching on, still in shock that he was right in front of me. 

"So, would you like me to shoo him away?" Cassidy asked me sarcastically as my other friends introduced themselves. I frowned at her and she raised her eyebrows. "Yeah, yeah, I know. He's an exception." she said with an eye roll before I said anything. She was right.

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