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I returned to the couch and handed Ivy's bottle to Oli, then bent down to position it for him so she could drink. I felt a little weird being so close to him; our faces so close together, but this wasn't about me, it was about our Daughter. Ivy immediately latched onto the teat of the bottle like she hadn't been fed in days and started guzzling like such a greedy little thing. I sat beside him and relaxed back into the couch, flopping my head against the back cushions and just  watching as he fed her. It was hard to believe it was real, that Oli Sykes was actually in my apartment and that we had a child together. It didn't feel like real life at all, especially after everything that happened after Mexico felt like such an ending. "I have no idea what I'm doing." Oli said, suddenly shifting his eyes to me and snapping me from my thoughts. I just smiled at him. "I think that's how all new parents feel... but you're doing really well." I assured him. He seemed to appreciate that I'd said that.

Ivy drank her milk in record speed so I took the bottle from Oli and put it on the coffee table. "Maybe I should take her for the next part... she might, er, throw up on you." I said. He frowned at me with confusion and I kind of chuckled because he looked so unimpressed.
"No, no. I said want to learn, so I should probably stick with it." he said with slight hesitation. I kind of laughed, but I really hoped she wouldn't be sick on him - it's not like he had a change of clothes with him! I helped him move his hands to hold her in an upright position and as I placed my hand on top of his, this weird feeling flooded over me. His skin was so warm and felt so familiar against mine as he cradled Ivy over his shoulder. It was the first time I think we'd actually touched since he'd arrived and it was all too familiar. "She just needs to burp, so you can just kind of tap her back softly to help her. Like this..." I said as I tapped my fingers gently against the back of his hand so he could see what pressure to use. He was so gentle with her and I smiled at how careful he was as I put a cloth over his shoulder in case of vomit.
"Am I doing it right?" he asked as he tapped her back softly. I just nodded. Watching his big, heavily tattooed hands cradle a tiny, innocent baby was the craziest juxtaposition in the world, but it really looked so beautiful to me. I never could have pictured it; the pale pink, fabric of Ivy's bodysuit beside the ink covering Oli's hands and neck, but now that I was seeing it, it looked perfect. She burped eventually and he laughed, and shortly after I realised she'd fallen asleep on him. "You can stop. She's asleep." I said super quietly. Oli just smiled like he was proud of himself and it made me smile too. I hated how cute he was.

I organised Ivy's blanket in her pram and I helped Oli move his hands into the right places so that he could put her into it; just supporting her head mainly. He placed her down so softly and then just stood there looking at her as I pulled her pink blanket up to her chest. "Will she be warm enough?" he asked. I found it adorable that he was already acting like a protective Father with her without even meaning to. "Yeah, it's not too cold outside. She'll be fine." I assured him.

We headed to the DNA testing centre on the tram; one because a taxi wouldn't have a baby capsule for Ivy, and two because I wanted to take Oli on the tram since they're such an iconic part of San Francisco. We didn't wait long for our appointment which just consisted of sticking a swab in both Ivy and Oli's mouths and then sending them off to the lab. The nurse said the results would take around 3 days, so unfortunately we wouldn't get them before Oli left but at least it wouldn't take weeks.

I wondered if Oli was freaked out about the nurse or anyone else recognising him, but he didn't show it if he was, he seemed calm and un-phased the entire time - much less paranoid than me about Jayce or one of his 'friends' seeing me with Ivy. I still worried about it, about him... I didn't know what he was capable of and that scared me. We stopped briefly for some groceries but went straight home after that, I guess I still wasn't 100% comfortable knowing that Jayce was out there somewhere, still thinking Ivy was his... in fact, I made a note in my phone to call my friend and speak to her about legally notifying him that he wasn't her Father. I didn't really think anything was going to happen since it had been so long, but the memory of everything he put me through still lingered in the back of my mind.

I really wanted to take a nap when we got home, but I wanted to start prepping dinner before I did that and while Oli offered to help me, I assured him he was being helpful by keeping Ivy asleep. He spent practically every moment at my apartment with her in his arms, but I guess he had limited time... he was only here for a few days after all. I started wondering how much he would see her in the future, how often he would visit. Maybe a few times a year or when he was on tour I guess... I hoped he would anyway, I had the feeling Ivy would adore him if she got the chance to. 

Cassidy arrived home just after 8pm and she hugged me tightly as soon as she walked in the door. "I'm sorry, Wills, but I'm only looking out for you." she said softly like she knew she needed to apologise for everything that she'd said earlier. "I know, but I promise that everything is fine." I replied. She just nodded. I set the food on the table so Oli, Cass and I could eat together, and while it was nice, it was pretty awkward. I could just feel the tension between Oli and Cass... it was like both of them wanted to say something to the other, but neither of them did. It wasn't silent, I mean Cass asked both Oli and I about the DNA test and stuff, but I knew she was just being polite and that there were other things she wanted to say... Questions she wanted to ask. I had this vision of her standing up and shouting at him across the table about how he hurt me, asking him why he had been such an asshole... luckily though, that was only in my mind and it didn't actually happen.

Sitting there with both of them was so strange. I couldn't really fathom that Oli Sykes, the lead singer of our favourite band (maybe ex-favourite band) was sitting in our apartment with us... at our dinner table... honestly, it felt really, really weird. A year ago I had just been on tour with him for a week, we barely knew each other and Mexico hadn't even happened. In my wildest dreams, I never thought he'd be in my apartment, in fact I didn't even think I'd ever see him again... and now this. God so much can happen in a year.

"I'll clean up, then get going." Cassidy said once we were all done with dinner. Oli offered to help but she rejected it so he just sat there at the table. I didn't want to leave them alone together in case a war broke out, but I could hear Ivy stirring in the bedroom, clearly having woken and wanting to be fed again. I needed to tend to her and I needed to breast feed her, so I didn't want to invite Oli to join me, so I didn't have much choice. "Uhh, will you guys be OK for a sec? I have to breast feed Ivy and get her ready for our sleepover in Cass' room." I said as I carefully pulled myself to my feet. I knew Ivy was only moments away from screaming her lungs out for her dinner so I was going, regardless of what either of them said. "Of course." Oli replied straight away. I hated how uncomfortable he must have felt.
"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." Cass said as she came and hugged me. "Message me if you want me to come back." she whispered in my ear as she squeezed me. I gave her a single little nod so she knew I understood. I was sure it would be OK though. "Oli, I'm going to take a quick shower after I feed her, so I'll be back in 15 minutes. The remote is under the shelf if you want to put on the TV or watch Netflix or anything..." I said. He smiled and nodded politely and I just hoped hell wouldn't break loose between the two of them while I was absent.

I headed to my room and fed Ivy, then jumped in the shower, happy to be winding down and getting ready to call it a night. I'd only get 3-4 hours before Ivy woke me up again but I was really looking forward to it, I was so incredibly tired. Going out of the house took it out of me and the social exhaustion of being around Oli was a lot. It wasn't that I was completely uncomfortable around him, I was just used to being alone or only around Cass who I could be completely myself with. I didn't have to worry about anything around her.

The hot water on my face felt amazing as I showered, but I kept it short since my legs felt so weak under me like I just wanted to collapse into a heap and sleep. I used the last of my energy to organise a couple of extra things for Ivy, then got ready to take her to Cass' room for our little sleepover. It was going to be strange knowing Oli was in my bed, but I was too tired to think too much about it.

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