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As I was starting to think crazy, terrible, scary things in my mind, I heard the door lock activate and in walked Cassidy. She was still in her dress from the night before and I realised, she must have been out all night like I was. It also meant that since I'd beaten her home, she didn't know I was out all night, and there was no way she could know that I'd spent the night with Oli. "Girl! Where have you been? I was trying to call you!" I squealed.
"I'm so sorry, my phone died!" she said as she dropped her bag onto her bed and sat opposite me. She grinned at me like she had news. "So what did you get up to last night?" I asked with a sly smile. She blushed and laughed. "Well, I spent the night at the Hilton... with Brian... you know, the video guy." she admitted with a smile.
"Oh my God!" I squealed. Of course she did. I can't believe that thought didn't even cross my mind. I just laughed, and I guess since she'd had a great night that she wouldn't be so mad about what I did. I couldn't believe we'd both spent the night in the same hotel, that wasn't ours, with different guys from the same tour. "Well, you're gonna kill me but... I also spent the night at the Hilton... with Oli." I admitted like I knew I did something I shouldn't.
"WILLOW!!!!" she squealed. "Oh my god you're so hopeless!" she laughed as she threw a pillow at me. "He apologised and explained that nothing happened... and he said nice things. And he's also really sexy." I whined. She just laughed and rolled her eyes at me. "What time did you get back?" she asked as she disappeared to the bathroom. "Like an hour ago." I admitted. "Hang on, did you stay the whole night with him?" she asked, sticking her head out the door. "Yeah. He asked me to stay... he cuddled me and we fell asleep." I replied. It sounded so strange when I said it out loud. I told her about everything Oli had said about only wanting me and not being able to stop thinking about me and that I'm apparently the only person he's hooked up with on this tour... and of course about the sex and the cuddles. When I told her about how rough he was, she stopped what she was doing and looked around the doorway at me with furrowed brows. "Babe, you need to tell him to fucking tone it down if he's hurting you." she said. She was right, I should have said something. I didn't even show her the bruises on my hips where he'd dug his fingers in too hard or tell her that I was frightened when he almost choked me. I knew I shouldn't have let it go that far.

Cass told me about her night with Brian, but assured me it was just a one-night thing, not that I would care if it wasn't. Personally, I'd love to see her interested in someone on the tour! "Cass, I need to tell you something else." I said as she finished up in the bathroom. "Oli invited me to go on the rest of the tour with him." I said. I was a little hesitant to tell her. "He said I can go on the tour bus and stay in his room at the hotels." I added a little apprehensively. I knew she wouldn't be mad, but I also didn't want her to feel left out or like I'd already decided to go without even talking to her. "Are you fucking serious?!" she asked, emerging from the bathroom with a toothbrush in her hand. I just nodded. "Oh my God! You said yes, right?!" she asked excitedly.
"I said I'd think about it." I replied. She just laughed at me with wide-eyed shock.
"You left Oli Sykes hanging?! Omg that's hilarious!" she squealed. "Seriously though, you have to go. It's what we always dreamed and fantasized about!" she added. She was right, it was the stuff we'd always talked about and wished would happen but never thought actually would. It sucked that she wouldn't be doing it with me though. "Wills he must actually like you in some way to invite you on tour... and the cuddling. I'm sure he doesn't do that with too many people he hooks up with." she said. "Maybe he'll be the one falling for you!" she said with a cheeky wink.
"He definitely wont, it's definitely just sex to him." I replied. "He's made that clear plenty of times. It's just like an arrangement, I guess." I suggested. That's the only way I could explain it. Kind of like friends with benefits. Though last night it felt more like I was a hired prostitute.
"And are you OK with this arrangement?" she asked. I wasn't really sure... I guess I was. "You know it's all happening because you didn't hang around that first time you slept with him..." she said with a laugh as she shoved her toothbrush into her mouth and went back to the bathroom. I just laughed. Could that actually be part of it? Maybe it was just because he really, really liked plastic roses.

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