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I didn't know what was going to happen when I got to the room and I was finally sober and alone with Oli, but I had to face him at some time. I hadn't spoken to him since I told him I loved him, and I had no idea what he was going to say. My hands shook as I unlocked the door to our room and as Oli looked around at me, I felt my stomach tumble in my body. His eyes were cold, disappointed, distant. I just wanted to throw myself out the window, or run back into the hallway and burst into tears. I had never felt so awful around anyone in my entire life. How could he make me feel so awful when this time yesterday he was making me feel like the happiest person in the world? How could it change so drastically so quickly?

"Oli, I'm really sorry for what I said last night." I said without even thinking. I had to try and apologise, even though deep down I didn't think I was the one who needed to. "I didn't mean to make things like this." I added, trying to salvage something. Anything.
"It's fine, you were just drunk. You didn't mean it." he said without looking at me. Yeah... right, I didn't mean it. He just continued packing silently and I could tell he didn't want to have that conversation. He didn't want to talk to me. He wouldn't even look at me. I was completely lost for what to say to him. Part of me wanted to tell him again that I loved him, that I forgave him for last night, that I couldn't bear how things were between us, but I couldn't say anything.
"I organised a car to the airport for you. It'll be here at 10:15." he said without expression as he shoved things into his suitcase.
"Oh, OK. Thank you." I said. Our goodbye was so close and my heart hurt knowing it was going to be the end. He wasn't going to be upset about it, he was probably desperate for the final few minutes of my presence to pass. I felt like I was going to burst into tears as I watched him pack as if I wasn't even there. I felt like an intruder in his room and I couldn't stand it, I needed to leave before I really got upset. "Well, I guess I'll see you downstairs." I said as I grabbed my suitcase and backed toward the door. I hoped he'd stop me, look at me, acknowledge me... anything, but he didn't, so I just left. Tears welled in my eyes as I headed to the lobby. He was so cold, so distant, it was like he'd never met me - like I was a complete stranger that he wanted nothing to do with. My heart ached in my chest so much.

I held back my tears as I traveled to the lobby and when I arrived, the rest of the guys were already waiting by their bus. Part of me wanted to just hide in a corner, but even though I felt like they hated me just as much as Oli did, I still wanted to say goodbye, or at least try to. I approached cautiously but they were fine with me, saying goodbye and giving me quick hugs before boarding their bus, but Mat seemed strange. I guess he was Oli's best friend... of course he'd want to avoid me and the awkward situation I'd created too. I had tears in my eyes as I awkwardly said goodbye to him, then out of nowhere he exhaled loudly and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I'm really sorry Willow." he said like he knew how much I was hurting. His comfort meant more to me than he knew, it was the first time anyone had even noticed me or my sadness since my stupid confession. "You're such an amazing, strong and beautiful person, I need you to remember that." he said. I tried not to cry but I couldn't manage to hold back my tears completely and as he let me go he definitely noticed. I wiped my eyes and he hugged me tightly again before heading to the bus. 



Poor Roses. My heart hurts for her. This is fucking horrible. I feel like I'm watching a defenseless animal that has no idea it's about to be slaughtered.

Oli's such a fucking idiot for what he's about to do. He's been a totally different person this week and there's no doubt it's because of her. He hasn't been happy like this since things were good with Zoe, yet he's making Roses pay for what she did to him. I get that she destroyed his trust in people, but I don't know why he can't give Roses a chance. She's never given him any reason to doubt her intentions. She fucking fell in love with him even though he's been less than perfect. I mean... eugh, I don't know.

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