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Being backstage at a Bring Me The Horizon show was a dream... a fantasy... something that I fantasized about all the time, but not something I thought would ever actually come true. The guy who greeted us was taking us further into the venue, then down a set of stairs, down another hallway and past a catering room until I finally saw a sign above a door that said 'Band', again with the famous umbrella logo. He knocked and as the door swung open, Oli was on the other side. "Hey Roses." he said, before greeting Cassidy too. I couldn't help but smile. He was gorgeous and this entire thing was totally insane! He invited us in and all of the guys said 'Hi' as they played their Playstation game, sat around on their phones or laptops or just drank beer. Oli politely asked if I was feeling better and I said I was completely back to normal. I also wanted to thank him for the roses, but I wasn't sure if the others knew about them, and I didn't want to embarrass him so I decided to wait until a better moment. I didn't know what to do with myself in their presence, so Cass and I sat and watched their game for a while and I just exchanged glances to Cassidy - silently saying 'Oh My God' to her without words. About 15 minutes passed before Oli gave up his game and Lee stepped in to take over, so I asked him where the bathroom was. He got up and wandered to the door, holding it open for me and I followed him down the hallway.

"Thank you so much for my flowers." I gushed as soon as we were alone.
"Were you surprised?" he asked with a smile as we walked.
"I was so shocked. You really didn't have to do that." I said. "But it was so nice of you. Nobody has ever sent me flowers before." I added as we turned left and got to the female door. I felt myself blush as we stopped, but the talk of the flowers reminded me that I had my usual plastic rose to give him. I'd tucked it behind my back in the band of my skirt and somehow totally forgotten about it. "Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you." I said with an embarrassingly huge smile, holding the plastic rose in front of him. He smiled and took it from my hand with a weird kind of thoughtful look in his eyes. "You're dangerous to me, you know that?" he asked. I didn't have a clue what he was talking about so I just smiled. "Isn't living dangerously good once in a while?" I asked, trying to sound philosophical. He just stared at me, then out of nowhere, he leaned forward and kissed me. He had such a nice way of kissing; it was passionate but casual... but he'd never done that before - kissed me outside of his hotel room, I mean. "Ugh." he sounded as he pulled away. He was smiling and shaking his head to himself. "Go on then." he said, still smiling but now motioning his head toward the bathroom door. I laughed and went inside. He was acting kind of strangely. Why had he just kissed me like that? Anyone could have seen us!



Argghhh you're so dangerous, Roses. Why am I so attracted to you?! I swear it's these fucking short skirts! Lol. Do I have time to sneak in the bathroom with her now? Haha, I'm so pathetic. 

I think tonight's her last show... I wonder if she'd ditch her friend and stay on tour. I'm not bored of her yet, and it would make fulfilling my needs so easy, especially since the guys don't ever come out so I can pick up. 

Probably a bad idea. I do NOT want feelings or strings attached. 

Damn she's so hot though...


When I came out, he was standing against the wall in the hallway but the smile was gone. He had a serious look on his face. "Everything OK?" I asked automatically. He suddenly looked at me and something was totally different in his eyes.
"You're not going to fall in love with me or anything are you?" he asked with a laugh out of nowhere. I just stood there... I was so taken back by the question. Where the hell did that come from? I guess maybe that's why he reacted the way he did a minute ago, maybe he could tell that I had developed some feelings or something.
"I know what this is, if that's what you're worried about." I said. "I know it's just... short-term." I said, looking for the right way to say it. The words felt a little like daggers as they left my lips... I didn't want to admit that whatever we were had a fast-approaching expiry date.
"OK." he said kind of quietly. "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page..." he said honestly. I wasn't really sure what to say, I felt a little awkward wondering if somehow he'd figured out that I liked him more than I let on or something. It felt a little awkward as we wandered back to the rest of the group, but he asked if I wanted to go see the second support act who were about to start, so I said yes.

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