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Waking up beside Oli again made me smile. The four months that had passed seemed like they didn't even exist and all of the sadness and loneliness I felt after he left last time was suddenly overwritten by happiness as I looked at him laying there beside me. I'd slept for 11 hours and I didn't even notice him come back. He was either really quiet, or I was really asleep.
"Hey." I said as he shifted and turned toward me. For a split second, he almost looked shocked.
"Shit, I haven't woken up next to someone in a while." he said with a chuckle as he rubbed his eyes. Really? Did that mean he hadn't slept with anyone? I guess he just kicked them out straight after sex, or they left like I used to at the beginning. "Do you want to come with us to town today? Jordan organised some city tour or something, we're apparently going to see some dudes throwing themselves off cliffs." he said with a shrug. I couldn't help but laugh.
"They're called cliff divers. They're quite the attraction here in Acapulco." I laughed. "And yeah, I'd love to come." I added in response. He just laughed at himself, honestly his laugh was everything to me. "Well, we don't have to be at breakfast until 9." he said as he looked over at the clock beside the bed. It was 7:58 am. He rolled back toward me and he just looked at me, but he slid his hand down my back and squeezed my ass. "I don't suppose you want to fool around with me for a bit?" he asked. I kind of laughed. His libido was crazy, like that of a teenage boy even though he was 30 something. He slid his hand around and pushed it under my fabric of my underwear before I even answered, and he rubbed his fingers against me and he kissed my cheek as I moaned. I was pathetic and totally powerless to his advances. We touched each other and made out for a while and I was so fucking aroused after 10 minutes of foreplay. "Do you want me to fuck you yet? Or do you want to keep doing this?" he asked in my ear. How bold of him to assume I wanted him to fuck me. Lol, who was I kidding? 
"Can't you do both?" I asked cheekily, being selfish for once. He just chuckled and said 'sure' and got himself ready. He fucked me in spooning position, he kept touching me as promised,  and he got me off in about 10 minutes. It was a nice way to start the morning and it was worth the frantic rush to get ready for the day and get to breakfast by 9am, lol.

As we went to leave the room for the day, Oli was carrying a drink bottle in his arms and as soon as I saw it, I smiled. It was the one I gave to him in Atlanta; the one that was engraved with our matching rose tattoo. "You're using it." I stated with a grin as he pulled the door shut behind us. Oli looked at me in confusion for a moment before it clicked. "Oh, the bottle. Yeah of course, I've been using it all tour. Everyone asks me where I got it." he replied with a smile. I felt my heart swell but I tried not to smile too much. I was just really happy that he actually used my gift.

We headed to the restaurant to have breakfast with the guys and even though Jordan had them on a schedule, Oli didn't seem to give a shit that we were the last ones there. We spotted the guys at a big table and Oli told me go to ahead as he stopped to order us coffee.
"Hi, good morning." I said as I approached their table 10 minutes late. I felt a little intrusive, but they never made me feel unwelcome. They said hello and asked how I'd slept, you know, all the usual small talk before Oli arrived at the table and said good morning.
"Why are you late, dickhead?" Jordan asked Oli playfully. Oli just scrunched up his face as he pulled out the chair next to me and sat down. "Cus we were fucking busy!" he stated.
"More like busy fucking." Mat laughed. Oli just laughed but I could feel my face immediately getting hot. They probably talk about sex and stuff all the time but I felt so embarrassed. "You're just jealous." he laughed. God I was so mortified. Why couldn't he have just denied it?! I laughed to myself as I covered my face out of embarrassment.
"Sorry Roses, this is what you get when you hang out with a bunch of guys." Matt said to me since I'd sat down next to him. Matt was definitely the quietest of all of the guys and the person I knew the least, but he seemed nice, just shy. We ate our breakfast and headed over to the lobby at 9:45am to meet our mini van and tour guide. Oli seemed kind of disinterested in the whole thing and I thought it was hilarious, but I was excited to be going out to see some of the city since I'd never been there.

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