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The day after Cassidy's amazing pre-Birthday surprises, my parents arrived in San Francisco. They had booked an airbnb just a street away and left Redmond at 4am, meaning they were arriving around 1pm. They had visited before, actually they came down for a few days in the first week of Ivy's life, but they usually only visited once a year, if that. I guess having a Grandchild meant that might change. Cass and I had planned a couple of dinners together, and I was going to take them to the Palace of Fine Arts and do the same walk I had done with Oli up to the Golden Gate bridge, but I was mostly just excited that they were going to get to know Ivy. 

I made a point to call Oli the morning before my parents arrived, just to avoid any awkwardness when they were around. Oli was in Barcelona and had just got back to the hotel from playing a show. He reminded me that he only had 2 more shows before he would be heading back to San Francisco and I guess he sounded pretty excited about that. He asked if I'd ended up planning something for my Birthday and so I told him I had, just dinner and a few drinks in town. He was asking so many questions about the place, where it was and who was going which seemed kind of funny, but it was nice that he showed interest. It was just my closest friends coming... I could have invited 100 people because I had always had a lot of friends, but I only wanted to surround myself with the best ones; the ones who knew about Ivy and Oli... the ones I knew I could count on to keep their lips sealed and would have my back if necessary. Oli reminded me of his flight number and that he was arriving at 2pm the day after my Birthday. Honestly, I was just relieved he wasn't arriving early that day and wanting to see Ivy... I was probably going to be completely exhausted from going out the night before!

I was looking forward to my Birthday dinner and drinks but honestly, I felt a little apprehensive about leaving Ivy, a little guilty... I mean, she was only a month old and I was leaving her just to go out drinking with friends? Cassidy said that it was absolutely nothing to feel bad about and even my Mum agreed with her - telling me to have fun, be young and take a break. Maybe they were all right. Maybe one night feeling like my old self would actually be really good for me. I was however going to monitor my drinking so that if there was an emergency, I would be sober enough to deal with it - I wasn't going to be completely irresponsible! I also had to express milk like a dairy cow to make sure Ivy had a couple of day's worth after my night out, you know, since the alcohol would still be in my system. Going out was such a mission now that required a lot of pre-planning.

The morning of my Birthday, I woke up early to feed Ivy and I decided to make pancakes. They were my favourite, and I didn't want Cass to feel obliged seeing as she'd already made them a few days ago. I was mixing the batter when our door bell rang, and a delivery person answered through the intercom. "I have a delivery for Willow Madison." he said. It was my Birthday, so it wasn't really that shocking so I buzzed him up to our door. 

I know I said I wasn't shocked, but when I opened my door and saw what was being delivered, I was. The man was holding the hugest, most stunning bouquet of red roses. Who on earth sent me red roses? I assumed they were from Cass since I'd delivered flowers to her on her Birthday too so I went straight to her bedroom before I even read the card. "Are these from you?" I asked as I pushed her door open and headed for her bed. "Holy shit!" she said as she sat up in her bed and cocked her head to he side as she looked at the gigantic bouquet of flowers in my arms. God they smelt so incredibly beautiful. "I swear they are not from me. What does the card say?" she questioned. I opened the card to see if someone had signed it, but it just said 'Happy Birthday Willow x'. What the hell? "Well I'm sure it's not our friends because they would definitely send you pink ones... you don't think they're from Oli do you?" she asked as she motioned for me to hand her the card. "He has a girlfriend... red roses would be wildly inappropriate. He definitely wouldn't put an X." I replied. There was no way. What would his girlfriend think?!

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