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After I told him to stop, he came up the bed and kind of propped up over me and I just stared at him dopily before he kissed my neck again. "Are you positive you want me to stop? I really wanted to make you ejaculate." he said without a shadow of awkwardness as I recovered.
"Make me what?!??!" I asked in embarrassed shock and confusion. He just kind of laughed.
"Mmmm you know, squirt." he said with a hint of amusement. I wasn't a total prude, I'd heard of it because I have a sex-crazed best friend, but I'd never er experienced it. I just looked at him.
"It's not the easiest thing to make happen, and not all girls can do it, but I was really trying hard." he said. I suddenly felt bad for stopping him.
"It would have been the perfect ending for you." he added as he kissed my shoulder. He let himself fall onto the bed beside me and I just laid there as my heart raced excessively in my chest. I can't deny that he'd peaked my curiosity... especially since he said there was a place beyond mind-bending orgasm (!) "So, how exactly would I know if that was going to happen anyway? If you were going to make me... you know." I asked. 
"You're so innocent." he chuckled. "Well you'd feel like you need to piss. It's not that though..." he said. I just looked over at him. Should I tell him that just happened?!
"I uh, that's kind of why I stopped you just now. I panicked." I admitted. He suddenly looked so shocked.
"Are you serious?!" he asked. I just nodded. "Oh my Goddd... please let me do it to you." he said, suddenly propping back up beside me. I was kind of freaked out. It sounded unpleasant, unsexy and messy! "I swear you'll love it." he said. I really wasn't convinced and I'm sure he could tell.
"Do you trust me?" he suddenly asked. I don't know why I did, but I nodded.
"Go to the toilet so you 100% know you don't need to pee, and bring a towel back with you." he said. A towel? Oh God. He seemed so eager and I didn't want to let him down, so I said OK. God what kind of kinky shit was I getting myself into?!

As I headed for the bathroom, I sneakily swiped my phone and immediately messaged Cassidy. God I hoped she'd reply straight away.

"This is so embarrassing but I need urgent advice. Oli wants to try and make me, oh god, squirt. What the hell do I do?!?!?!" I sent.

I saw the typing dots straight away. Thank God! I really needed Cass' advice on this!

"😲😲😲 LET HIM!!" she replied.

"But is it weird? Does it feel good?" I asked.

"It feels fucking amazing!!! You'll love him forever lol and he will be stoked if he can make you do it! Not all girls can!" she replied. "It's not weird if he wants it!!!! Just surrender, see what happens and ENJOY IT! 😃😃" she added.

I still wasn't sure, but she did have a point. He obviously didn't think it was weird since he suggested it. I guess I was going to let him do it then... God he made me into some kind of sex freak.

I left my phone in the bathroom, grabbed a towel and headed back to the bed. I felt so shy all of a sudden when I was in front of him again. He stood up and met me as I approached the bed, I think he could tell I wasn't sure about it. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable." he said as he grabbed my hand. "I just want to try and make you feel amazing." he added as he kissed the back of my hand. If only he knew how amazing he made me feel just by being with me... every time he held me. "But if it's too weird for you, I totally understand." he said. His understanding eased my fear a little I guess, and it was nice that he was asking for consent. At least he wasn't just doing whatever he wanted without giving me a choice as he'd done in the past. The thought of what he requested made me a little uncomfortable but I guess if he wanted it, just like Cass had said, then he obviously didn't think it was weird. "It's OK, I trust you and I want to try new things with you." I said with a tiny smile. 



Fuck, she's a dream.

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