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We celebrated Oli's birthday that year in a place he had always wanted to go; Death Valley. It was only a couple of hours west of Las Vegas but a seven hour drive from San Francisco and while it was just Oli and I going for a quick four-day getaway, it was going to be an adventure - just for us. We may have roughed it by getting up early and driving for all those hours, but there was something nice about being together in Cass' Jeep with the top down and the music up loud. We stayed at a beautiful, chilled out resort in the desert as a splurge and I organised some pretty amazing things like quad-biking and sandboarding for Oli's big day which he absolutely loved. Of course, his birthday also included a cute Instagram post and a photo; a funny one we took on the roadside when Oli stopped to pee behind a bush during our drive. His birthday also included some night-time activities that he liked even more than the adventure sports, lol.

 His birthday also included some night-time activities that he liked even more than the adventure sports, lol

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Death Valley was a lot of fun and adventure, mixed with relaxation and plenty of couple time. We had so much alone time to relax and connect and I loved every single minute of it. Life sometimes felt like a dream with Oli to be honest. I went to places I never dreamed of going, experienced things I never even knew existed... I guess I never thought I'd find someone like him or find a love like the one I had with him; this feeling of absolute trust and unwavering longing for him... almost as though he was a part of me. It's hard to explain, but he was the most important person in my world, like sun and warmth, like oxygen keeping me alive. Obviously Ivy was too, but Oli was my equal, my rock, my guide, my support... he was literally everything to me and I'm sure I was the same for him. I loved him more than words could explain and I knew I would never want or love anybody else the way I did him. 

On my last day of Uni in early December, I was eager to get home; eager for my eight weeks of holidays, eager to spend all of that time with Oli, Ivy and Cassidy. We were flying to the UK to spend Christmas with Oli's family and this time, we were taking Cassidy which made it even more exciting. It was her Christmas present from us, even though Oli had insisted on paying for the entire thing. Cass and I had been picking out clothes and packing for weeks and her excitement just made me look forward to the trip that much more. 

When I finally got home on that last day of Uni, Oli was waiting for me with a glass of champagne and a bunch of white roses; a congratulations for getting through my first year back. He was so thoughtful and sweet and his support honestly meant so much to me. After taking a sip of my wine and kissing him gratefully, he told me that Ivy had a surprise for me too. "Does she?" I asked as I hugged him tightly.
"Yep. She's waiting on the couch in the lounge." he replied. I wasn't sure what this surprise could be, maybe a finger painting or something she made for me, but I headed to the living room where Ivy was indeed waiting. "Hello my little princess. Do you have a surprise for me?" I asked as I approached. It's not like she could really tell me with full sentences yet, but I always talked to her like she could. She was being silly and nodding whilst looking at Oli with a big smile and I had no idea what was going on, but as my eyes travelled down from her face and landed on the text printed on the front of her shirt I felt numbness flood my body. Ivy giggled as I just stood there, now in frozen disbelief as the gravity of the words on her outfit sunk in...

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