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Oli and I kissed; passionately and desperately and he was clearly getting really turned on, I could tell from the pressure against me through his jeans. It made me giddy to know I was making that happen to him. He suddenly grabbed me and flipped me over, immediately going for the buttons on my ripped shorts. He pulled them off, along with my underwear, and threw them before pushing my legs apart. I didn't even have time to think about what was happening before his tongue was doing things to me that made me grab the sheets and pull at them for dear life. My body went tense as he licked my clitoris with the tip of his tongue, and I gasped as he slipped a finger inside of me. He felt amazing. He wasn't there long before he started kissing his way up my body and I let my muscles relax. I was in some kind of euphoria just laying there while he made his way to my lips and kissed them. I kissed him and ran my hands down his body until I got to his pants and I started undoing them. Once they were undone he stood up and I sat up on the edge of the bed. He held my head in his hands and stroked my hair as I took him in my mouth and looked up at him innocently. He moaned then let his head flop backward, and I focused on giving my best performance of my life until he stopped me.

He reached for the bedside draw, pulled out a condom and used his teeth to rip it open. I watched him put it on as he stood there in front of me. "Stand up." he instructed, so I did. "I wanna watch you ride me." he said devilishly as he flopped down onto the bed and laid there on his back. I could feel my face getting warm, but I did as he requested and climbed on top of him then guided him between my legs. His thickness felt so incredibly good... I moaned as I lowered myself all the way down onto him, and I felt goosebumps erupt on my skin as he ran his hands up my thighs. Yes. I pressed my hands against his body as he laid back and I moved on him, steadily at first, but then more intensely once I figured out what felt best. Double yes. He held his hands around my hips to help with the motion, switching it up to squeeze my breasts and run his hands up my thighs sometimes too.



God this view is amazing. And she feels so fucking good. I think I'm in love. Hahaha.


The sex was different this time; it seemed more relaxed... intense, but not rushed. Maybe it was just because I was on top and in control. It was nice that I could actually see him this time too. I also felt less nervous, but that was probably because we had done it previously... I didn't know for sure, but I liked it. I leaned in when I got tired and he wrapped his arms around my body, taking a turn to kind of thrust up into me. I loved gripping his arms and running my hands through his famous, shaggy hair, but my favourite thing to do was to hold his face in my hands and kiss him deeply. I loved doing that, and I did it a lot. Probably too much. As much as having sex with him was absolutely mind-boggling, something about kissing him felt more surreal... more intimate. Maybe it was because we were face to face, or maybe I just liked being in control... I mean, he couldn't really get out of my kisses since I was on top of him. I don't think he minded though.

As I started tiring, he propped himself up, put his arm around me and rolled me over. The weight of his body between my legs felt so good as he pushed himself back into me. This time, he put his hand around my neck and began thrusting fast. I don't know if he was intentionally kind of choking me, but for a moment there it was borderline scary. I ran my hands down his arms, over his biceps, down his chest and I held onto his body as he moved in and out. I put my head back into the pillow and shut my eyes to focus on really feeling him and he leaned in and started kissing my neck and cheek. It was surreal when I opened my eyes and his face was right in front of mine... He was flushed, sweaty, and his hair was flopping around like crazy. I swear he had never looked so good as he did right at that moment. It was kind of how he looked on stage at the end of a show; sweaty and hot, but this was better because, well, he was fucking me. I swept his wet hair away from his face, pushing the little bits that stuck to his sweaty forehead away, and lifted my face up to kiss him. I absolutely loved kissing him. "You feel so fucking good. I could fuck you for weeks." he said out of the blue as I laid with my legs spread wide underneath him. 
"You should." I replied with a heavy breath without even thinking.  

We were both breathing heavily and I could feel my heart pounding as he put his hand around my neck again and started to speed up. I knew he must have been close by how he had his mouth open and his eyes shut like he was focusing. It was about a minute later that he came. He seemed completely exhausted as his whole body fell forward, so I stroked his trembling arms while he caught his breath.



That. Felt. Amazing.

Holy Fuck.

I love that she took control, God that's so sexy... and her body, and I love the way she held my face and kissed me... Ugh! No I didn't. 

I do want to cuddle for a minute though...


After a moment of recovery he pulled himself away from me, but this time he didn't disappear to the bathroom. He fell onto the bed beside me, putting his arm over my body to gently run his fingertips over my chest and stomach. I looked back over my shoulder at him quickly before he let his head flop down and hit the mattress. It was kind of strange, but that little moment of post-sex connection was quite nice. I stroked his arm then sat up and he stayed laying there as I wriggled to the end of the bed. I could see my bra on the floor, so I reached for it and started to put it on. 



What the fuck? She's leaving so soon again? 

Maybe I should just ask her to stay... Sex is great, but the cuddle after is also kind of nice... I guess I miss it a bit.

Lol, am I seriously getting eager for cuddles with some fan girl that I'm fucking? It's just sex... Fuck I'm so hopeless, Lol.

Well, I won't stop her. I still want to fuck her again though. 


"You know, you don't have to leave." he said, propping himself up and looking at me.
"I know, but... you know, the weird awkward thing..." I said trailing off. "I don't want there to be any of that." I said, now standing up and pulling my underwear and shorts up and buttoning them. I walked over to where I had thrown my shirt in a fit of passion earlier and pulled it over my head. Oli had moved to the end of the bed now and was sitting there watching me, still completely naked with all of his beautiful tattooed skin on display.
"See you in Salt Lake City." I said with a smile. He stood up and grabbed my hand as I went to walk away and pressed his lips into mine in a proper kiss before letting me go.
"Don't forget my rose." he said with a grin.
"Never." I replied smiling.

I let myself out and walked back to my hotel. It was less than 15 minutes, but the entire way I thought about how much more intimate it had felt this time compared to the first. I didn't orgasm, again, but it had lasted a lot longer and it felt so good. I wondered if he'd ask me to 'hang out' again at the other 2 shows I was going to, or if he was getting bored of me yet.

Back at the hotel, I had a shower and I got myself off since he hadn't done it and I was feeling sexually frustrated. I wish he got me there, but I guess he wasn't exactly too bothered about me feeling good, and I was hardly going to demand it. I knew how replaceable I was. I got into bed with one final check of my phone in case Oli had messaged me and he had; the same message as the night before.

'Goodnight Roses 🌹'

I thought it was really sweet that he always said goodnight to me after he fucked me.

'Goodnight Oli 🌹' I replied.

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