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I felt a bit dizzy from the motion of the lift combined with my tipsy-ness and Oli laughed as I almost tripped in the hallway. As soon as we were in the Room, Oli grabbed my hips from behind as I walked toward the bed and pulled me back into him. "I've wanted to rip you out of that dress all night." he said devilishly into my ear. I felt myself blushing as he slid the zip on the back of my dress down and pulled it up and over my head. He pushed me forward so I fell onto the bed and he pulled my underwear down before slapping my ass. It stung, but I felt like a naughty child and I guess I kind of liked it. He didn't want any foreplay that night, he just wanted to fuck, and like always, he didn't want anything intimate either since all I saw was the bed. He was kind of rough again, but this time, if it hurt, I was going to say something. He was intense, but not in the same was as last night... he just slapped me a bit and tugged at my hair as he fucked me from behind. I imagine doggy style was his 'go to' position with meaningless hook ups... with zero potentially awkward, face-to-face contact. He came after what only felt like a few minutes and disappeared straight to the bathroom leaving me naked on the bed. I felt a little awkward about what to do, I mean, I stayed the night last night, but we cuddled straight after we had sex so were naturally naked and together... tonight I wasn't sure. Should I get into the bed? Should I get re-dressed? Did he even want me to stay again? I decided to wrap myself in the doona and wait. 

It was already nearly 3am and I didn't know what time we had to leave in the morning, but I knew I had to say Goodbye to Cass before we went our separate ways, so I set my alarm for 8am... Oli came back in boxers and I asked him what was happening in the morning as he pulled the bed covers back. "We're meeting in the lobby at 10am." he said as he got into the bed.
"OK, well um, should I go?" I asked a little nervously. He furrowed his brows at me and shook his head like my question was ridiculous, so I laid back and stayed in the doona that was wrapped around me. He wriggled over and found his way past all of the fabric around me, then spooned me like it was no big deal at all, but I felt so strange when he did that – like it was so affectionate and intimate, and this 'arrangement' was never meant to be like that. He kissed my skin and squeezed my breasts and told me how perfect they were as we laid there, and when I tried to get up to pee, he grabbed me and said I wasn't allowed to leave. It made me laugh but eventually he let me go after I threatened to wet the bed. When I came back he was asleep so I didn't disturb him, I just got into my side of the bed and fell asleep almost instantly once my head hit the pillow. I wondered if things would become less awkward when I was on tour with him. I hoped so.

My alarm ripped me from sleep at 8am and I groaned as I rolled over to hit snooze. Oli kind of found me and put his arm around me, still mostly asleep I think, but when the alarm went off again, after what felt like 20 seconds, I decided I had better get up. I put my dress from last night on, plus my heels and underwear and climbed onto the bed, over to Oli who was still asleep. I didn't really want to wake him, but I kind of did by accident as I got to him. "I'm going to get my stuff. I'll be back at 10." I said quietly. He mumbled 'Uh huh' like he didn't give a shit what I did, so I picked up my bag and quietly let myself out. As I waited at the lift, I realised it was obvious that I was dressed in last night's clothes... talk about the ultimate walk of shame.

I messaged Cass telling her I was on my way back to our hotel, and she replied straight away saying she was on her way down so to wait for her. She arrived in the lobby 5 minutes later and we walked back to the hotel together – so at least my walk of shame wasn't lonely. She told me about her night with Brian and how they'd had an hour-long, orgasm producing romp, and I told her about my rough, 3 minute quickie with Oli. I guess I was a little envious of how much attention Brian gave her in bed when Oli never really made any effort with me. 

"I can't believe Oli is actually taking you on tour with him." she said as we walked. I couldn't really believe it either if I was being honest. It would have been so amazing if she was coming too, but I guess Brian couldn't just invite people along like Oli could. We both packed up our suitcases once we got to our room, and it felt bittersweet to know I was leaving her. On one hand, I was going on tour with my favourite band for a week, but I was saying goodbye to my best friend who'd organised the trip and made me come on it in the first place. "Cass I'm going to miss you soooo much!" I said as I hugged her.
"Oh my God, me too. I want to know everything! Message me every single day!" she replied.
"And Willow... I know I have said this before, and I know it's probably going to be really hard for you, but please don't fall in love with him." she begged.
"I won't." I said as I shook my head. "He doesn't treat me well enough for me to fall in love with him. And we don't know anything about each other anyway... and I know he's not interested in getting to know me." I replied. I think I was starting to realise that. I mean, I wish he would like me on a non-sexual level and treat me like I was important to him, but I had a grip on reality, and I knew I was just a fuck buddy. Maybe not even that... maybe more of a free prostitute. Anyway, as long as I was having fun, I didn't really care. "Wills, he doesn't actually do anything bad to you or disrespect you, does he?" she asked me with a frown. I guess I did tell her that he was always pretty rough, and because I'd had an abusive boyfriend before, I guess she worried, but I just shook my head. That one night wasn't great, but it's not like I told him I didn't like it. "No, he just likes it rough and treats me like I'm an object to please him, that's all." I replied. "If he ever has a conversation with me or actually tries to get to know me on a non-physical level I'll die of shock." I laughed. Cassidy laughed, but I think she could see through my jokes... I think she knew that deep down that made me feel pretty awful. "OK, well, call or text as much as you can. And remember, it's only a 4 hour flight home, so if he's an asshole, just go to the closest airport." she said as she hugged me. I thanked her and hugged her back tightly.


[OLI - as he's packing to leave the hotel]

Well, here goes nothing... I hope things aren't weird with Roses being around all the time. I'm glad she's coming though... I mean, it's so convenient for my needs, Lol. 

The guys are going to give me so much shit since I told them I would be a total slut on this tour and now I'm fucking the same girl every night, Lol. I'm fucking hopeless. I guess I just prefer quality over quantity.

Imagine if she didn't come back at 10... that would suck. 

Shit, Lol.


We walked back to the Hilton together about 20 minutes before I had to be there, and I parked myself on a chair in the lobby while Cassidy waited with me. She said she'd see me off then take a taxi to the airport, but I think she also wanted to say goodbye to Brian. People started arriving about 10 minutes later, and I watched as they loaded bags into vans out the front. A couple of people that went out with us last night said 'Hi' but I stayed put until Lee and Jordan arrived and they told me to follow them. They took me to a van and put my bag in the back, and it suddenly became very real that I was about to join the guys on tour. I felt nervous and excited at the same time... "You're going to have so much fun." Cassidy said. I smiled but I felt kind of guilty that I was going, and leaving her to fly home alone. Mat arrived and walked out the front door with Brian, so Cassidy went over to say goodbye and I saw them exchanging numbers or socials on their phones which made me happy. "So are you ready for the tour life?" Mat asked as he came over to wait with me. I really liked Mat, he always made a point of talking to me and making me feel like less of an outsider or nuisance. He talked to me and checked up on me way more than Oli ever did. He just seemed friendly, so I could understand why Cass was obsessed with him.
"Yeah, it's pretty crazy to be coming with you guys, but I'm really excited." I replied. Oli arrived right on 10am and nudged me gently with his shoulder as he passed, wheeling his suitcase to the back of the van.

Brian jumped in the other van and it pulled away, so Cass came back to me and hugged me tightly. I felt so guilty and sad about leaving her, but she seemed so happy and excited for me. "Have so much fun, and lots of sex." she said. I just laughed. "But remember, you owe him nothing. Only stay if you're having fun. Be confident and flirty, take control, and just be the beautiful Willow I know." she whispered. "And go buy yourself some sexy lingerie to make yourself feel empowered!" she added with a wink as she let me go. "Oh, and Willow. Don't forget the blowjob!" she laughed. I shook my head and laughed and hugged her quickly again.
"I love you, Cass." I said as tears welled in my eyes. I didn't want to leave her.
"I love you too, Wills." she replied. I climbed into the van and a tear rolled down my cheek as I looked at her standing there outside the van. Mat put his hand on my shoulder from the seat behind me - obviously having seen me wiping my eyes and I kind of laughed at myself in embarrassment. It wasn't like I wouldn't see her again or anything. Oli stopped to say 'Bye' to Cass as he passed - I just hope she didn't say anything embarrassing to him like asking him to 'take care' of me or something. He jumped into the van and landed on the seat beside me, and I held back my tears as I waved to her through the window as the van pulled away from the hotel. At that moment everything became extremely real and it was almost impossible to believe the journey I was about to go on.

I completely hid my teary eyes from Oli as we drove away, but as I sat there in the van with him beside me, the rest of Bring Me The Horizon around me, and their tour manager in the front, I felt kind of numb. It was like I was dreaming, or having an out of body experience. A part of me felt anxious and terrified, but it was mostly total disbelief. "Don't forget the blowjob?" Oli suddenly asked me quietly in amusement. Oh God, I couldn't believe he had heard that! I just laughed and shook my head. "Uh, just a ridiculous Cassidy joke." I replied with a smirk. 

We only drove for around 10 minutes before we pulled up at a bus depot and I saw what I assumed were the band's tour buses. There were two of them; black, with barely any windows and both absolutely massive looking. "There's your home for the next few days." Mat said from the seat behind, pointing to the buses. It was absolutely crazy to me and I honestly felt like I was dreaming as we pulled up beside them and I saw everyone from the other van already unloading onto the first bus. I guess bus number two belonged to the band, and now me. It was my new home for the next week, and the starting point of a completely insane journey. 

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