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The three of us ate lunch together; delivered since neither Cassidy or I were in any mood to cook. She retreated to her room after lunch to sleep, even though she wasn't working so could afford an early night... leaving me and Oli alone with Ivy, who was fast asleep in her little bouncer thing by Oli's feet. He always wanted to be so close to her, it was kind of adorable. 
"So... there's a fair in town over the weekend, if maybe you want to go?" I asked a little nervously. I had actually found a few things I could do with Oli just so he didn't come to San Francisco and literally sit in my apartment all day, every day. "Oh, really? That would be awesome." he said, clearly excited. "I was actually going to ask you, um, how would you feel about letting me take you out for dinner?" he questioned. That was so nice to him, to want to do that. "Maybe we could do dinner and then the fair after, if it's on at night?" he asked.
"Sure." I replied without hesitation. "Oh! I can put Ivy in this new dress Cass bought her last week. It's so cute and I've been waiting until we went out somewhere to put her in it!" I added excitedly.
"Oh, well, uh, I actually meant maybe we could go, uh, just us, somewhere nice. I just thought we could talk and, you could have a night off, I mean, if Cassidy wouldn't mind looking after Ivy for a few hours..." he said. Oh. Oli seemed kind of awkward, and I was so surprised at his proposition that I was silent. It kind of sounded like a date? Surely not. "Oh Ok, yeah uh, I can ask her if she minds..." I replied. I knew I didn't sound enthusiastic but I was just a bit confused. I could also only imagine what Cassidy was going to say.

"OK well, if she say yes, the next question... is there anywhere you would like to go? The restaurant at the Four Seasons is pretty nice or I heard about this michelin-star Chinese restaurant that sounds amazing but I'm definitely no expert." he said with a shy chuckle. I was a little speechless that he asked me to dinner, but I didn't want him to notice.
"Honestly, I haven't been out for dinner in months so I'm easy. I'm always down for Asian food though, it's my favourite." I replied.
"Should we try that Chinese place then?" he questioned. I just nodded and smiled.
"Sure, sounds good." I replied. "I'll, uh, I'll go see if she's awake." I said as I pointed toward Cass' door. Why did I feel so nervous?!

I went to Cass' room and knocked before letting myself in. I needed to ask her if she could babysit Ivy, and also, I needed some perspective on Oli's invitation. Luckily she wasn't awake, just laying on her bed with her phone. "Cass, I need to tell you something." I whispered. She raised one of her eyebrows at me as I sat on her bed. "Oli asked if he can take me to dinner." I told her quietly. "To some michelin-star, Chinese restaurant... he said he wants me to have a night off, and he wants to talk." I whispered. She put her phone down and frowned massively at me. "Cass, why does this feel like a date?" I asked once I'd told her about it. She frowned and let out a long noise like she was contemplating but she wasn't sure. "The fact that he wants to take you somewhere nice sure makes it sound that way... but he is spoken for. It's not a date. Maybe he wants to talk to you about something important." she said. I was almost surprised she didn't lose her shit. 
"Yeah maybe... ok, well, I said I would if you can watch Ivy for a few hours one night... but, do you think I should go?" I asked. I felt really confused.
"I guess so, I mean, if he wants to talk... besides, why would you turn down Chinese food from a michelin restaurant?" she quipped. I kind of laughed. "I'm free tonight, or I could maybe switch shifts on Monday." she said.
"OK, Thanks, I'll see what he says." I replied.
"Willow... I'm happy you guys are making it work for Ivy, and that you're friends, just remember that he has a girlfriend." she said as I went to leave. I just rolled my eyes at her. I knew that.

Oli insisted we go out that night, since it was the only night Cassidy was definitely free. He somehow managed to get us a table at this restaurant he'd found, but I felt butterflies in my stomach about going. It was going to be so intimate. He decided to go back to his hotel for a few hours to get ready, and he said he would pick me up at 6:30... It felt so much like a date even though I knew it wasn't. I tried on a dozen outfits; dresses, jeans, skirts, but I wasn't happy with anything. Cassidy appeared in my room and laughed at me as if she thought I was pathetic as she sat on my bed. "Someone's trying to make an effort..." she chuckled.
"Well, I want to look nice, but, not like I'm desperate." I said in frustration. 
"Why don't you wear that gorgeous silk top you got for your Birthday last night?" she questioned. Was she joking? I didn't have the boobs I had before Ivy came along... unless I wore an invisible bra under it, it just wouldn't work and those things were not Mom-friendly. "I can't wear a Mom bra under that... " I groaned.
"Well couldn't you just pump Ivy's milk now and wear a normal bra?" she asked. She was probably right. I knew I had Cassidy around for a reason. 

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