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The day of my date with Oli had arrived and there couldn't have been a better way to start it than by waking up in his arms. I wondered what the time was since it was dark outside and Oli was still fast asleep, but I felt so recharged, so relaxed... I usually still felt tired when I woke, but today I felt refreshed, like I'd been asleep for days. I tried to get out of bed without waking Oli but he opened his eyes and after a second, he smiled at me with a half-asleep grin. He looked so cute. "Hey." he said softly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered. 
"It's OK." he replied, still smiling. I realised I'd left my phone in my bedroom, so I had no idea what the time was, if Ivy needed to be fed. "Do you have the time?" I asked. He rolled over to look at his phone and informed me it was 5:45am. Honestly I was a little confused, why hadn't Ivy cried in nine hours? I felt fear spread through my chest and my body go tense. "Ivy..." I said out loud.
"It's OK, don't worry, I have her monitor and I fed Ivy at midnight." Oli said, clearly sensing the panic in me. "You did?" I questioned. He smiled and nodded. My body relaxed again and he pulled me back in close to him. "Don't worry about a thing." he said before kissing my head.

Ivy cried about half an hour after I'd woken up, so I brought her to Oli's room to feed her. He just laid on the bed watching, stroking her hair gently as she looked at me and guzzled as always. "I can't wait for my family to meet her." he said sweetly. "They're going to love her so much." he said with a smile. I hoped they would, I was sure they would. After I burped Ivy, I laid her onto the bed between Oli and I and she kicked her feet around; already wide awake and active at 6am. "Who's the cutest baby in the entire world?" Oli gushed as she just stared at him with wide eyes. "You are!" he quipped before blowing raspberries on her tummy. She let out a little happy squeal and my heart practically exploded. They were so cute together. "And who has the best Mummy in the whole world?" he asked her. "You do." he replied before smiling at me. I felt like my heart was going to explode.

I left Ivy with Oli and headed downstairs to make a coffee as the sun started coming up. I felt so good after having a full nine hours sleep, I was honestly so grateful for Oli's help - and also really proud of him for managing on his own. I prepared some breakfast as I drank my coffee remembering everything that happened last night; cuddling him, agreeing to go on a date with him, kissing him... It had been a really sweet moment and it made me happy. I felt like I'd wanted it for longer than I even realised, like I wanted to be close to him again. I stood out on the balcony in my pyjamas and socks just watching the ocean, thinking about how good I felt right at that moment. Everything felt wonderful.



As I went down to find Willow and ask if she wanted to go for a walk with Ivy and I, she was standing on the balcony; the ocean in front of her, the sun shining down on her like some ethereal angel from my dreams. She looked so perfect and for a moment, I forgot there was even anyone else in that house with us. 

This was how I wanted my life to be: Me, her and Ivy together every morning, every day and every night... sunshine, ocean, brightness... happiness. This was my happy place, no matter where in the world I was, as long as they were with me. 

I pulled out my phone and took a photo without Willow even knowing before heading to the kitchen to get a coffee, and while the machine did it's thing, I posted that photo. I wanted to remember that morning, that moment and how good I felt forever.

 I wanted to remember that morning, that moment and how good I felt forever

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