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As I sat there looking around, I could feel my heart in my mouth. I tried not to look flustered as people kept appearing and disappointing me when it wasn't who I was waiting for. I sat there for a few minutes waiting nervously, fidgeting and adjusting my hair and then out the corner of my eye, I saw him. It was like time went into slow motion as I saw this tattooed, black-clothing clad, beanie-wearing person walk in past the big wooden doors. He looked like nobody else there, almost like he didn't belong. I quickly looked down because I felt so plagued with nerves but looked back up again almost straight away because I couldn't take my eyes off him. My heart was racing. His steps lagged slowly and as his eyes landed on me, the corners of his lips slowly raised into a smile. He was just as beautiful as I remembered, maybe more.

"Hey Roses." he said with a grin as he came toward me.
"Hey." I replied nervously as I stood up. I had no idea what to say or do, so I just kind of stood there as he stopped in front of me... I felt so awkward. "So are you gonna hug me then or just stand there?" he asked in amusement. I felt so dumb, but I was in so much shock. I couldn't believe he was right in front of me again. My hands were clammy, my heart was skipping beats and I had the most intense case of butterflies in my stomach. I guess I never really thought I'd see him again. "Sorry..." I said with a head shake as I hugged him. It felt like time slowed down again as I wrapped my arms around him. It felt so wonderful to be holding him again, and being back in his arms felt as amazing as I remembered; it was warm and comfortable and somehow it was like no time had passed, even though it was 4 months since I'd been with him. "So I guess I should show you where the room is." he said as he let me go.
"That would be good." I said as I picked up my bag. The staff came and tried to help with my suitcase, but Oli insisted it was OK as he grabbed the handle and wheeled it behind him.



I can't believe she's actually here... I wonder if she's freaking out as much as I am?

Why the fuck do I feel nervous?! Maybe it's just my dick getting over excited, LOL.


He asked how I was and how the traffic getting out of the airport had been as I followed him along beautiful paths through perfectly manicured gardens. I could hear the ocean as we obviously got closer to it and the smell of the salty air combined with the blooming flowers smelt absolutely intoxicating. Even the lights that lit the paths were - dare I say it, incredibly romantic. We stopped outside what looked like a private kind of bungalow and as he unlocked the door and held it open for me, I audibly gasped as I walked in. The room was beautiful - massive, yet cosy and inviting. I had never seen anything like it. "Oh my God, this is absolutely beautiful." I said as I walked in with my hand over my mouth and noticed the uninterrupted view of the ocean through the balcony doors at the end of the room.



Not as beautiful as you.

LOL. What? Did I really just think that?

Pull yourself together, mate.


I walked straight toward the huge sliding glass door and Oli followed to unlock it for me. I audibly gasped again as I saw the waves crashing against the rocks below the balcony and the beach to the left. "I mean, it's not a terrible view." he said with a chuckle. I contemplated jumping into the double hammock that was strung up on the deck right at that moment because the ocean sounded so relaxing and beautiful. I could only imagine how amazing it would be to watch the sunset from there. "There's a private pool round there too." he said as he stepped out and pointed off to the right. My mind was completely blown as I saw it, lit from under the water so it looked like it was glowing. Christ, the entire thing screamed romance... I wasn't going to stand a chance of not falling in love with him when I was in these surroundings with him!

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