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I woke up to Oli touching my face, and as I blinked to wake myself up, he just grinned at me. "Good morning." he said gently. I made a sleepy little noise and reached my arm over to rest on him since he wasn't cuddling me, then I closed my eyes again. I wasn't ready to be awake. He wriggled over and wrapped his arms around me, so I pushed my face into him. We just laid there for a while before he kissed my forehead and I pulled my head back to look up at him. He was being so cutesy. "You're adorable." he said. I smiled and rolled onto my back to stretch out and he moved over and planted kisses on my face repeatedly. I just smiled at how affectionate he was being. I rolled back to him and squeezed him; staring at him happily as he just laid there and I ran my hands through his hair.
"I want to stay here foreverrrrrr." I said as I pushed my face into him yet again.
"Me too." he said. I wasn't talking about the resort, or Mexico, I was talking about with him. I wanted to stay with him indefinitely, in this little bubble of happiness and deep connection. I felt like we had become so close and the floodgates to my heart were completely open. I don't know how I could go back to being single and alone again after him. I hoped I wouldn't have to. He kissed my forehead again and I pulled away so I could kiss him. I held his face in my hands and pushed his hair back and he held me tightly as we kissed gently but passionately. I just laid there looking at him and touching his face and I thought he'd hate it, but he didn't seem to mind. He just looked at me and grinned, like maybe he actually liked the affection. I was so in love with him in those little moments... I didn't need fancy dinners, flowers or social media shout outs, I just wanted to be with him having those sweet moments that couples do.

I tried to kind of move after a while, but he didn't let me go. "I need to pee." I said as I laid there looking at him. "So you need to let me go." I chuckled. He just grinned.
"What if I don't want to?" he asked.
"Well I don't want to pee on you, unless you're into that sort of thing..." I replied in amusement. Oli just laughed. "Well... I mean, let's not forget about last night... we weren't too far off." he said with a chuckle. How embarrassing! I felt my face getting hot as he kissed me and let me go.

When I came back, he watched as I put the kettle on and then sat onto the edge of the bed next to him. He just looked at me then pulled me back down onto it. "But I put the kettle on!" I laughed as he was pulling me into cuddling position again; forcing me into more affection and closeness – not that I minded, he was just being so needy.
"Well that means I have 3 or 4 minutes." he said sweetly as he held me in his arms. God he was being so cute. I took his face in my hands and kissed him again and we laid there just looking at each other, touching, kissing... it felt so sweet and innocent. Once the kettle had boiled, I asked him if he wanted a coffee. "Mmm, I'd rather you just stay in bed." he said, squeezing me like he didn't want me to get out. "Do you reallllly want coffee anyway?" he asked refusing to let me go. I laughed at how needy he was being. "Yes." I chuckled. He was kissing my face and being so strange. "Well I guess I wouldn't mind one." he said as he eventually loosened his grip on my body. I sat up and threw my legs off the side of the bed, but leaned back down to kiss him since he was being so adorable.

I made our coffee and we sat outside on the sun lounger, watching the tide come in as we drank it. "Let's skip breakfast and do something fun today. Just us." Oli said as he sipped his coffee and rubbed my leg. 
"What did you have in mind?" I asked. 
"I don't know, something exciting. Quad bikes or parasailing or something like that." he replied. I loved that idea. I went inside to fetch the hotel books and laid down with my head in Oli's lap as he started looking for something fun to do. He headed to reception to see what he could organise while I got dressed and on his return, advised me that we were leaving in an hour and to pack swimmers, a towel and spare clothes.

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