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I was kept in the hospital for observation for a second night, so Cassidy went home to pack a suitcase for me to take to my parent's place. We were going to leave straight from the hospital since we were supposed to be leaving San Francisco the day I was discharged anyway. We were leaving the city a couple of days before Bring Me The Horizon played and Cassidy wanted to make sure there was zero chance of us being there at the same time. I know San Francisco is a massive city, but the thought of running into them... into him... it made me feel physically ill and Cassidy didn't want to take any risks. I was meant to be avoiding stress, after all.

When I was discharged the following morning, Cassidy was ready with all of my stuff in her Jeep and we got straight on the road to Oregon; to my parents' property in Redmond where I'd spend the next couple of months away from threats and stress. I was relieved in a way, but I was really upset and apprehensive about not having Cassidy beside me for so long... I was closer to her than I was with my parents, she was my real family and I knew how much I would miss her. For as long as I could remember, I'd never been away from her for more than a couple of weeks. Cass planned to bring me back to San Francisco a month out from my due date, to make sure I'd be close to the 'big city' hospital when the baby arrived, just in case anything went wrong. Of course I wanted Cassidy to be with me when that happened too, honestly I don't think I would even be able to do it without her! 

Cassidy stayed with me in Redmond the first couple of nights, getting me settled and making sure I was feeling OK before she left me again. I was OK, just tired and sore from the fall. Truth be told, I don't think she wanted to leave me alone the night Bring Me The Horizon were playing in San Francisco... she tried to distract me all day, knowing they would be in town and knowing it would bother me. It kind of didn't though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about it, about him... about how they asked me to show them around next time they were touring there... I hated that part a lot, because I was always so fond of Mat and his friendship, something that was taken away when Oli left me. I thought about how I should have been watching their soundcheck, at the side of the stage watching on proudly, giving Oli another one of those silly plastic roses that got me into this entire mess in the first place... Things could have been so different, but I had so much more going on now so I didn't dwell on it too much, I couldn't. The Doctors at the hospital had warned me I was 'high-risk' for miscarriage or premature labour, so I had to let the thoughts go. I had to avoid stress. 

Cass bought me a sim card to use while I was away; a new number that only my friends had as to avoid any threats or possible repercussions of the restraining order Jayce would no doubt be receiving any day. That made me feel safe, and also really thankful. Cassidy looked out for me like nobody else, and she thought of everything. She accredited it all to watching too many crime and cop shows like Law and Order and NCIS, but really, she was just amazing and the best person I could ever ask to have in my life. 

Cass also took the task of telling my parents the entire story from start to finish about the pregnancy... they needed to know since I'd been attacked and now had this restraining order. They knew Cassidy really well since we grew up together as neighbours for so many years, and I was grateful that she did the talking for me; answering my parents' questions, explaining the situation, telling them my Doctor's orders, my condition due to stress... all of it. I loved her for taking the burden of that uncomfortable conversation off my shoulders, though I was still embarrassed about all of it. My Mum assured me that they were going to support me and keep me safe and healthy, but I knew they weren't proud of me for being in the situation I was in, never the less, I was grateful that they were willing to look after me.


[OLI - as he arrives in San Francisco]

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