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When I woke up to feed Ivy, Oli got up with me and headed for the shower. Oli's parents were arriving that day for the concert that night, and they were going to be staying at the same hotel as us. The guys were all arriving too, but we'd probably just meet them at the venue for soundcheck later unless we bumped into them in the hotel. "Are you excited for tonight?" I asked Oli as he wandered out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist like some sort of delicious temptation. "I am. It's going to be an awesome show, but I'm more excited that once it's done, I'm free to be with you and Ivy. I won't have to leave you again." he said as he came to kiss my forehead. It made me feel amazing to know he was so excited to be with us. "Are you going to sleep through daddy's concert again, little one?" he asked as he looked down at Ivy who was still feeding. I just chuckled. Hopefully she would manage to see some of it this time around!

We met Tom and headed down for breakfast, then went to meet Oli's parents at 11am in the lobby. Oli had organised the room for them, like the wonderful person he was... I appreciated how much he looked after his parents and how he always thought of them and did things for them. It was how he was with me, but I loved that he was the same way with his family too. He really was a good boy. I immediately went in for a hug with Oli's Mom and Dad and they asked me how Venice had been. I gushed about it like a crazy person and Oli very proudly told them that we were officially together now since he'd been kind of vague about it when we were in Sheffield. I guess it was nice to have the label, to officially be partners and his parents seemed happy so that made me feel really good. We let them settle in, then Oli started moving Ivy's things to their room because apparently his Mom had agreed to watch Ivy that night so I could go out to celebrate the end of the tour with everyone. It was so sweet that he'd thought ahead, but I felt bad that they wouldn't able to celebrate too. "Are you sure they wouldn't have wanted to celebrate with you too?" I asked. Oli just frowned at me.
"Wills, baby, they're old. My dad will join us but there's no way my mum would want to be out past midnight anyway." he chuckled when I expressed my worry. I guess he was probably right, he knew them better than I did.

We took them for lunch on the rooftop before we had to leave for soundcheck and honestly, I loved being there with them. I loved seeing them together; Oli, his parents and his brother, then me sitting there with Ivy on my lap. I really felt like part of their family and I loved it. The craziest thing was that Oli still hadn't met my parents, he'd not even spoken to them... I guess that would have to change when we got back to San Francisco. They would like him as a person, they would have to with how lovely and genuine he was, but they were always a bit put off knowing what he did for a living, and I knew they'd be horrified by his tattoos. They would get over it though.

We headed off to soundcheck at 2pm and I squeezed Oli's hand in the car in excitement. I couldn't wait to see Oli do his thing and have Ivy in her little pink earmuffs again. At least this time she had friends with Jordan's two kids and Lee's daughter there too. Ivy was the fourth Bring Me The Horizon baby, with Ava and Evelyn just a few months ahead of her and Elliot, Jordan's oldest, leading the way at two and a half. Naturally, Mat greeted me with a big, bear hug and he asked me how Venice had been. I wondered how much exactly Oli had told him about it, if he'd told him we were officially together, that we'd been intimate again... "It was probably the most amazing four days of my life. It's a really special place." I gushed. Mat smiled at me.
"Well, I'm a little offended that you found it more amazing than when you were with me and the band, but.... I'm glad you had fun." he joked. "How were things with you and Oli? Did he treat you like a queen?" he questioned. I just smiled.
"He did. He put in so much effort and thought for me... he absolutely spoiled me. We're boyfriend and girlfriend now, you know." I replied gently, suddenly feeling a little shy. Mat smiled and hugged me without saying a single word, but I knew he was happy to hear it. 

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