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I was really tired since we didn't get enough sleep and I groaned as Oli's alarm went off. The drive that day was less than our last couple of trips, but we we're still leaving at 10am, so we'd have a few hours of free time once we arrived. Oli and Jordan were going to do an interview with a radio station though, so I guess not everyone was getting the same amount of down time. We went to the hotel restaurant and met everyone for breakfast before hauling our bags back onto the bus. I jumped straight into Oli's bunk – I planned on sleeping the entire way to Cincinnati.



New day. Clean slate. Reset. 

Last night was fun, but I don't have feelings. It was just the alcohol talking. I do have a bit more respect for her though since I got to know her a bit, that's all it is though.

God I really don't want to go to this fucking interview today. I fucking hate talking to people about the same shit over and over again. Eugh.

Well, I suppose I should probably try and sleep for a bit. I'm still fucking tired.


About ten minutes into the trip, the curtain flew back and Oli made a funny noise as he realised I was in there. Shit.
"I can get out if you want to sleep." I said, not wanting to deprive him since he had to go on stage that night. "Nah, just move over." he said in amusement. Ummm... was he serious? I moved over against the wall and he climbed in and slipped under the doona with me. There was definitely not enough room in this bunk for two people, but he seemed really amused as he tried to prove there was. "You're taking up too much room." he laughed as he laid practically ON me.
"Oh my God!" I laughed as I rolled onto my side to try and make more room for him. Why on earth was he in there with me anyway!? He laid right up against me, wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me in the tiny space. "Cozy." he said with a laugh as he spooned me. Our legs were tangled and my face was probably about 15cm from the back wall of the bunk, but I guess it wasn't half bad. It's wasn't too badder compromise for having him cuddle me.
"Are you comfortable?" he asked right into the back of my hair. I laughed under my breath.
"Surprisingly, yes." I replied. "Are you?" I asked in amusement.
"Sure am." he replied, pushing my hair out of the way. Being so close with him again was nice, and I really was comfortable despite the lack of space, so comfy that I ended up falling asleep. We did have a pretty big night last night though, so I wasn't surprised.

When I woke up, Oli was still cuddling me, but the arm I was laying on was completely numb so I rolled over. "Hi." he said with a laugh as I came face to face with him. He was seriously so close to me, our noses were practically touching. "I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic." I laughed.
"You get used to it." he replied with a laugh.
"You often sleep with someone else in your bunk?" I asked with a laugh. He just chuckled. "I bet it's Mat. It's definitely Mat isn't it?" I taunted playfully.
"Oh fuck off!" he said with a chuckle in response. I just laughed hysterically. I thought I was hilarious.
"Wait... have you ever had sex in a bunk like this?" I asked. He laughed.
"Not recently, but back in the day, yes." he replied with laughter.
"How?!" I asked, completely perplexed. I was thinking how logistically if we were naked in that moment, how it would even be possible.
"If we weren't 2 minutes away from the venue I'd show you exactly how." he said cheekily before deciding he wanted to make out. Ugh! I didn't need that... when he kissed me this passionately it got me so turned on. Luckily the bus came to a stop before I could get too excited, and he manouvered out of the bunk, ready to get off the bus.



Haha, why did she have to ask that question? I was just enjoying a cuddle, and now I'm fucking horny. God damn it. Lol.

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