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Oli and I tried to fuck in the hammock. LOL. He had to get out of the hammock to get a condom and get his pants off, but my dress made things easy for me. We tried different things and were both in fits of laughter as we awkwardly tried to make it work. I was also aware that if there was anyone on the beach that they could potentially see us - and they probably would because we were laughing so loudly. Oli managed to get things going by planting one of his feet on the ground to stabilize us, but as soon as he started thrusting at a decent speed, the hammock twisted, I almost fell out, and I screamed. "Right, this is shit." Oli laughed as he climbed off me and helped me to get out. I couldn't stop laughing and he chuckled as he picked me up and took me inside. I was still laughing as he pushed me against the wall but I was more interested in him once he started making out with me. He held me there, sandwiching me between his skin and the wall as the air-conditioning escaped through our open door and we both started sweating as the hot air from outside swallowed us; poor Oli was going red and looked like he was overheating. His hands were busy holding me up so he didn't have a free hand to touch me and I would just be in the way if I tried to touch myself, so I accepted that I wouldn't get off and that I should just try to speed things up for his sake. He was so flushed and looked exhausted and it seemed like he was struggling a little. "Oh God you feel so good. More! Harder!" I said desperately to try and turn him on and make him more excited. I knew how much he liked dirty talk.
"Fuck." he said like he wasn't expecting me to say anything. I kept saying his name desperately with a few more 'harder's and 'yes's' and it was like he found a reserve of energy. He sped up and when I whispered in his ear that I wanted to feel him cum inside me, he moaned. Poor Oli didn't stand a chance when I pulled out my best dirty talk. Thank you google for the suggestions!



Oh my God. She's so naughty. She's literally my fucking fantasy.


He thrust fast and pushed his entire body against me 30 seconds later and he moaned into my shoulder as his body tensed as he came. His hair was soooo sweaty, but I ran my fingers through it anyway as he stood there in helpless bliss before calming down. I pushed my weight down so he'd let my feet slide to the floor and I kissed his cheek as he just stood there. Poor Oli, he looked like he'd run a marathon and could barely breathe. I returned with his water bottle and handed it to him and he just watched as I walked away, headed for the bathroom. "Come join me?" I asked over my shoulder with a smile. He just looked dumbfounded.



There are no words. No. Words.

Fuck she's so sexy.


He joined me in the shower - mostly just so I could oogle his wet, naked body, then we got dressed to meet the guys for dinner at the restaurant. It was as amazing as the first night, though the other guys being there meant I wouldn't be feeling those same romantic vibes as I did when Oli and I were alone. I guess we had enough of that in the room anyway, lol. Oli and I actually arrived first, so took seats that faced the beach. Apparently there was going to be a fire show or something down on the sandy stage later. We sat around drinking, chatting and eating, though I wondered if the guys would prefer I wasn't there... I wondered if I cramped their style or made them feel like they had to be on their best behavior or something. I swear Oli ate more food than anyone, even though he had the figure of someone who barely ate anything and I asked if he wanted one of my stuffed mushrooms since I knew I wouldn't finish them all. "Thanks Roses." he said with a mouthful of food before nudging me with his shoulder. His table manners were questionable, at best. The fire show was amazing, but when the performer came to our table looking for someone to participate, the guys volunteered me. Assholes! lol. Of all of us, I was the only person who wasn't used to being on a stage in front of a bunch of people! The man just got me to hold some flaming sticks as he lit himself on fire, so you know, nothing strange at all (!). We left the restaurant after the show and my 15 seconds of fame and headed to the bar to hang out.

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