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I knew I had completely embarrassed myself by calling Oli, but I figured if he answered then he couldn't have been too annoyed about hearing from me. I'm kind of surprised that he actually answered at all! God, I hope he wasn't in the middle of something or with someone... but more than that, I hope I didn't say something completely stupid! I was too embarrassed to message him and ask, so I just put my phone away and tried not to stress about it. I ended up falling asleep, so I went for a swim to wake myself up and cool off, then decided to give in to my fears and message Oli while my friends were off buying lunch. It was 1pm and I couldn't put it off forever! I felt anxious about it but I had to clear the air. I'd just make a big joke about it. 

"Hey, I'm so sooooo sorry that I called you last night. I was embarrassingly drunk 🙈 Someone should have confiscated my phone!!!" I typed.

I kept checking my phone as we ate lunch and I laid in the sun, but by 3pm, Oli still hadn't replied. Shit. I felt relieved when I checked my world clock and saw it was 10-11pm in Europe... he was probably playing a show in whatever city he was in so it made sense that he wouldn't be seeing his phone... At least I hoped that was why he wasn't replying!

After leaving me hanging for hours, I was relieved when he finally replied at 4:30pm. His response meant I obviously hadn't said anything too terrible.

"Haha, that's OK. It was pretty entertaining to be honest 😆" he replied. 

Entertaining? Oh God.

"Oh noooo... I didn't say anything embarrassing did I? 🙈" I asked.

"Nah, you were just telling me about your day and asked me to come to Malibu lol. Nothing embarrassing." he replied.

Thank God for that... though I was still embarrassed that I'd asked him to come to Malibu. I guess if that was the worst of it though, I got off lightly.

"What time was it there? I didn't interrupt anything did I?!!?" I asked.

"Nah, it was 11am. I was just on the bus." he replied.

"Thank God. Well, I still send my apologies, lol. So embarrassing! Anyway, where are you now? It must be late there." I said.

"We're in Prague. It's 11:30pm. Just got back to the hotel." he answered.

"Oh nice. How was the show? I'm surprised you're not out partying! 😛" I said cheekily.

"Lol, nah, I'm tired. The show was the same as always." he answered.

It was dumb, but I knew for a fact that Oli was alone in his hotel room. He obviously didn't have a girl with him since he was chatting to me, and I guess knowing that made me happy.

"Prague must be such an amazing place... 😍" I gushed.

"Yeah, it's cool. Not as nice as the beach though! What are you up to anyway?" he asked.

"Just recovering from last night, lol. We've been at the beach all day, but we're leaving soon to get ready to go out again lol." I said.

"Hahaha, should I expect another drunk call from you when I wake up then? 😅" he joked.

"Lol, no... I am definitely not getting that drunk ever again! 😐" I laughed.

"Hahahaha yeah right 😂😂😂." he replied.

Cassidy asked me if I was talking with Oli and I didn't say anything but she rolled her eyes at me. My smile told her the answer without me needing to say anything out loud. I was pathetic.

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