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As we travelled back to the hotel, I tried to sit so my body didn't fold right where my new tattoo was and Oli laughed at me. I told him how much I was dying to tell Cassidy that I'd gotten a tattoo and he thought it was hilarious, but I really couldn't wait to tell her what I'd just done... and even more so, what Oli had also done! Once we were back at the hotel, I stayed in the lobby so I could call her and Oli said he'd see me up in the room soon. He was so amused, and I know to him, it was the tiniest nothing tattoo ever, but it was a huge deal to me. I knew Cass was going to absolutely lose her mind, and I couldn't wait one more second to tell her, so I called her before Oli was even in the lift, Lol.

She answered with her normal 'Hey girl' but I didn't even bother to say hello.
"I went to a tattoo parlour with Oli today..." I blurted out. "And... I got a tattoo!" I squealed. Oli must have heard me because he was laughing and shaking his head in amusement as he stepped into the lift.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Cassidy screamed. She sounded so shocked and she totally forgot about the usual 'how are you's' and pleasantries. "What of? And where?" she asked. I loved how excited she was for me already - and I hadn't even told her the best part.
"A rose... kind of on my hip." I said with a giggle. "Guess what else..." I said. I couldn't create suspense because I was too excited.
"Oh my God that's so cool! What?" she replied.
"Oli got it too." I said.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"My rose tattoo. He got the same one. We have matching tatts." I replied, barely even believing what I was saying myself.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Cassidy squealed. She was so loud that I had to move the phone away from my ear. "You are fucking kidding me?!?!" she asked in disbelief.
"Nope. Not kidding." I replied, smiling to myself.
"Holy fucking shit, Willow!." she said with a heavy exhale like she was totally overwhelmed. "You know that they are permanent?!" she asked. As if I didn't know that... She started bombarding me with questions and wanted to know how it happened, if it hurt, etc etc... so I told her everything, talking about it for about 5 minutes before she interrupted me with a loud scream.
"Ohhhhh my God! Wills! Oli just posted a photo of your tattoo! And he tagged you!" she squealed. I heard my phone ding, but I ignored it since I was on a call. I slid the call with her to the top of the screen so I could open instagram. "FUCK! He just posted his too! Holy fucking shit!" she squealed. As I opened instagram, I saw both photos on my feed, one after another, and I swallowed hard. I wasn't really sure what to make of it... or why he'd posted my tattoo, but the photo was amazing. It didn't even look too red or swollen. 

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