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Dinner had been perfect, our attempt at dancing had been perfect... exploring together over the past two days had been perfect and as we boarded our water taxi to get back to the hotel, I realised that he was perfect. Oli had been showing me his true self over the past couple of weeks and despite all of the pain and heartbreak from our past, he was the man of my dreams. He was beautiful and romantic, thoughtful and kind... he treated me the way every girl wants to be treated; like she's the only girl in the world that matters. I placed my box of roses on the seat next to me as we boarded and Oli landed on the other side, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head into him and as we took off, the salty breeze caught in my hair perfectly like it would in the movies. "Oli... these past couple of days have truly been the best days of my life." I said with my eyes closed, taking in that perfect moment. He didn't say anything, but he kissed my head and squeezed my hand in his lap. It was as if he knew I was in that moment and he didn't want to interrupt it, but those signs of affection were his way of telling me he was happy too. I had always loved Oli on some level, I'd been in love with him in the past and recently I'd felt it too, but I still had elements of fear holding me back from throwing myself into the abyss; little tiny voices in my mind telling me not to completely give in. This day had evaporated them though. They were no longer present, no longer there to stop me from giving him my heart entirely. I loved him. I really loved him. I loved him in a way I hadn't before, in a way that was so pure, deep and effortless. I loved him like I'd never loved anyone before. "Oli..." I whispered as I tilted my head up to his face. 
"Mmm?" he sounded softly.
"I love you." I said quietly but surely. He moved his face to see me and a grin formed on his lips. He closed his eyes as if taking in the moment, capturing it, absorbing it... then he let out a heavy breath and opened his eyes to look at me. "I love you too." he said with such a genuine expression of happiness. 

For the first time ever, we were both on the same page. We both felt it, we both said it and we both meant it. We were undeniably and undoubtedly in love with one another. 

I leaned in to wrap my arms around him and we kissed on the back of that boat as if it were the closing scene of a Hollywood romance movie. The wind in our hair, the moon on the water, the lights of Venice around us... it was beautiful and the way Oli kissed me made me feel like I was floating. I had never felt such a beautiful, perfect moment with another person in my entire life. "You're so beautiful. I love you so much." he said as he held my face in his hands and looked at me. He made me feel so wonderful. "I love you too." I said again, reassuring him. We cuddled and stole innocent kisses for the rest of the trip back to the hotel. Venice had always been a dream place for me, a place that felt magic, romantic, somewhere that would make me happy, and while I never thought it would be because of Oli, that night made it all of those things for me. Venice had helped me let go of the past, it had showed me the beauty of the person I was with, their heart, their desire to make me happy... it had helped me to open up and stop being afraid, it had made me believe in and accept love again. I loved Oli, and I loved Venice. My special place was now our special place.



She loves me.

I'm literally the happiest person on earth right now. Finally I get to tell her I love her and hear it back. 

I used to think this day would never come, that I had no chance of having her heart again but now, knowing she loves me... it's just... I feel complete. 

What an incredible, perfect night. 


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