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I still felt really tired as we disembarked the plane and I left the luxury of first class behind, but when I called Cass to let her know we'd landed, her excitement perked me back up. She said she would leave straight away to pick us up and I told her not to rush. The airport was only 25 minutes or so away and there wouldn't be traffic anyway. We cleared immigration and customs and just as Oli was loading our suitcases onto a trolley, Cass messaged to say she had just parked and was walking over to the terminal. The timing was perfect.

As I stood there and noticed Cass before she noticed us, I flashed back to the day I arrived home from Mexico... I'd been so broken, so exhausted, I'd felt so alone and I collapsed on the floor in tears in almost the exact spot I was standing again now. I hated that memory, I hated that it still came to the surface now that everything with Oli was amazing, but I guess it would never go away entirely. "Ivy!" Cassidy squealed as she saw us and ran toward me, instantly going in to kiss Ivy's head as she slept in my arms. "Wow, OK. I see how it is..." I joked. She looked at me and hugged me, making sure not to squish the baby.
"Sorry." she laughed. "Oh my God, how are you?! How was Europe?" she asked before saying hello to Oli and giving him a quick hug too. "You guys look tired. Do you want a coffee?" she said to me before we left. I just laughed and said no. I definitely didn't want something to keep me awake, quite the opposite actually. I just wanted my bed. Cassidy insisted she carry Ivy to give me a break and then directed us to the parking garage where she'd parked her Jeep. I really hadn't spoken to Cass much since I'd left, a few messages and photos here and there, but I hadn't even told her that Oli and I were having sex again! I hadn't told her that we'd made things official in Venice or that he wanted us both to move in with him... none of it. She was so out of the loop. 

"Oh my God, I'm so excited to hear about your trip! I've seen your pics on Instagram but I want to know everything!" she squealed as we pulled onto the highway and headed for the city. I decided not to drop any bombshells as we were driving out of fear of her crashing the car, but I would definitely tell her when we got home... well, potentially in the morning since I was too tired to talk about such important things yet. I told her about everything we did in Venice and London as we travelled and I told her about the show that was just a day ago - maybe two by now. She asked Oli how he was feeling about it being over, if he felt 'free' now and he made conversation as I watched the city lights getting closer and closer. Once again, I flashed back to the last time Cass drove me home from that airport, after Mexico... but instead of being upset this time, I just wondered what my life was going to be like in another year's time. I wondered what the future held in store for Oli and I, and Cassidy too.

We arrived back at our apartment and dragged our suitcases into the lift while Cass carried Ivy in her arms. "Oh you got bigger since I saw you. All that Italian and British air..." she said as Ivy looked at her, now wide awake. I could only imagine how messed up she was going to be because of the time difference and what ungodly hours she was going to ask to be fed. As Cass swung the door open, I saw she'd printed a 'welcome home' sign across 3 sheets of A4 paper that she'd taped together, and that she had set the table. "I didn't know if you'd be hungry, so I got food, but we can eat it tomorrow if you just want to sleep." she said. Aww, she was so sweet. "You're the best, Cass." I said as I hugged her. "I think I'm going to have to rain check on the food though, but maybe we can go for brunch in the morning?" I asked.
"Oh my God, yes! That would be awesome." she replied. I smiled as I let her go, then retreated to my bedroom where Oli had already dropped off my suitcase. He told me that he was going straight to sleep too, so without even unpacking anything other than a couple of things for Ivy, I threw on a band shirt and got straight into bed. Honestly, I was exhausted.

I woke up at 3am to Ivy crying; the time zone had messed with her as much as me, so we were up at the worst possible time. I went straight back to sleep after feeding her though and slept like a rock until 9am. Cass was awake when I went out to feed Ivy again, but Oli was still completely out. "Good morning, oh my god, are we still going for brunch this morning? I'm dying to hear about your trip! You kept me in the dark!" she stated. I just smiled at her. 
"I know, I honestly didn't message anyone or really even go on social media too much, I just wanted to enjoy it, you know?" I replied.
"Oh I totally get it, I don't blame you. I have been dying to talk to you though..." she said. I just chuckled, she seemed so excited.
"Well once Oli's awake and I've showered, we'll go on a girls date and I'll tell you everything." I replied. She beamed at me and I just laughed. She was so funny.

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