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As I woke up, I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I saw Oli looking at me and the corners of his lips curling up as his warm eyes stared straight into mine. "Good morning, beautiful." he said softly as I closed my eyes and the memories of last night flooded back. "Good morning." I replied with a smile just as warm as his. I felt blissful and happy, maybe a little shy for a moment, but he looked so happy it was impossible to stay feeling that way, and how could I not be smiling waking up to a greeting like he'd given me? He wrapped his arms tightly around me as I rolled  into him more, intertwining my leg into his. "Tom is already awake. He asked if we want to go for breakfast." Oli said as he looked at me with the most warm, loving expression I think I'd ever seen. I wanted my morning coffee and I wasn't going to say no to the beautiful view from the restaurant, but honestly, I wanted to be with Oli... to enjoy being alone with him and expressing my love for him for just a little longer. "How long do you need to get ready?" Oli asked gently.
"An hour." I replied blissfully.
"An hour? You need that long to get ready just to go for breakfast?" Oli kind of chuckled. I didn't.
"No, like 15 minutes." I replied, staring at him. He looked perplexed. I sat up and climbed onto his lap, straddling him then leaning down so my face was close to his. "Tell him I'm still asleep and we'll go in an hour." I whispered as I kissed his face. Oli now got the memo and I think he was excited about it. He put his phone down and sat up to wrap his arms around me, my shins pressed into the mattress beside his hips as he kissed me and I ran my hands up his back. His skin was warm where it had been against the sheets, his lips kissed me softly like feathers and when he pulled his face away to look at me, he looked so content. "You're so fucking beautiful." he said as he stared up at me.
"Mmm..." I sounded as I went in to kiss him, warmly, sweetly, but with a sneaky tongue slip this time around to take things further. "Hang on, let me reply to Tom first." he chuckled as he broke the kiss. He picked up his phone and started wording out his message as he typed. "Willow is still asleep. I don't want to wake her. Meet in an hour." he said. Before he'd even put his phone down, it buzzed and with Tom obviously agreeing, he put it upside down on the bedside table and turned his attention back to me. "Now, where were we?" he asked with an eager smile as I just sat there, still straddled over his lap with our skin touching since we were both naked down below. He snaked his hands back around my body, under my shirt and up my back holding me against him and we kissed before making love again... lovingly, passionately, perfectly.

Being with Oli had lit a fire inside of me that I had long forgotten about, a fiery side of myself that he had brought out of me in the past but also extinguished after Mexico. My sex drive was reignited and after last night I wondered if I would ever be able to get enough of him. He was so sweet and gentle and I loved him so much, but he was also cheeky and dangerously sexy. Honestly, the moment I woke up I knew I wanted to fuck his brains out again before even getting out of bed. That wasn't like me at all!

After a very intimate and pleasurable half an hour, Oli and I got dressed and went to join Tom in the restaurant. If I were anywhere else in the world, I would have stayed in bed with Oli all day in some 12-hour-long love fest, but my days in Venice were few and I wanted to see everything I could. Of course, I missed Ivy too, but Tom was an amazing Uncle and a true God-send for enabling Oli and I to share the night together the way we did. I don't think we would have done what we did if Ivy were in the room with us. 

Oli and I's relationship felt so different since our date, since we'd re-connected physically. I actually wondered if Tom would be able to notice the shift too and whether or not he would say anything. Without a shadow of a doubt, I loved Oli with no doubt or fear, I was truly connected to him and knowing that he felt the same way just made it perfect. The fact that it all happened in Venice too? It was already a special place to me, a dream, but now it meant even more.

After meeting Tom for breakfast and re-uniting with Ivy, we headed out in a water taxi to explore Venice again. We visited an incredible old bookshop and stopped for photos at so many bridges and buildings... we even visited a shop that sold exquisite Venetian masks. I loved them, though Oli thought they were kind of creepy, lol. We visited some stores and ate more gelato as we wandered the town, and when I visited a glass store and suggested we buy some ornaments as gifts, Oli rolled his eyes. Apparently we were going to the island of Murano to make our own. I was so excited, but I think Oli was disappointed that he had to tell me about it and ruin the surprise.

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