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Jayce led me to a basement that was completely deserted. Maybe nobody was meant to be down there, but there was a lounge room, a bathroom and a room with the door shut, maybe a bedroom or office. It's not like it was a dark, unfurnished room like I invisioned basements were. I noticed the alarming thoughts of how easy it would be for him to do something to me... nobody knew I was there, nobody would hear me scream over the music... but I pushed them away. 'God, Willow, stop being so fucking overdramatic' I thought to myself in frustration as he innocently pointed me toward the bathroom. I went inside and laughed at myself for being so paranoid, and as I washed my hands, I smiled at myself in the mirror. Maybe I wasn't as unattractive, unlovable and unappealing as I had felt all week. I mean, Jayce wasn't the type of guy who'd have trouble getting girls and he was hitting on me. Hell, he'd kissed me so I couldn't be that awful? Honestly, I felt better about myself than I had for days after receiving so much attention from Jayce. I just laughed to myself at how stupid I'd been for being so upset over Oli. Fuck him. I didn't need him.

When I emerged from the bathroom, Jayce was nowhere to be seen. Had he left? Had he ditched me? I felt the self-loathing rising within me, the feelings of being rejected and being worthless finding their way back into my brain but after a split-second, I noticed the light streaming out from the room. The one on the other side of the house that had it's door shut before. I headed toward it, only to find Jayce looking at a framed certificate on the wall. Relief flooded me and the negative thoughts washed away in an instant.
"There you are." I said with a laugh. Jayce walked over to me and just looked at me and I felt a bolt of fear rush through me. I was suddenly very alone with him. "I thought you said you didn't want to go somewhere private with me..." he smirked as he landed his hands on my waist. I looked at him and couldn't stop myself from blushing, God he was so good at this game. "You're so fucking beautiful, but that colour on your lips makes me think you're not as innocent as you want me to believe." he said as he gently slid his thumb across my bottom lip. I don't know what got into me, but it was like electricity shocked my entire body and I just stared at him intensely. "I'm not innocent at all." I said as I reached back and pushed the door shut behind me. I don't know what I was doing, but in the moment, my body went into some kind of autopilot mode. I wanted to feel wanted, desired. I wanted to feel something from someone. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn't care about Oli anymore, that I didn't need him, that I was over him. Jayce leaned in and kissed me deeply and I got lost in it; drowning in knowing that he wanted me.

One thing led to another and he was soon pulling my dress off over my head, lifting me up like I was weightless and sitting me onto the edge of the desk. My body was completely on fire. I'd never been with someone so strong before, so muscular and with such stunningly perfect, chiselled abs. Muscles weren't even a soft spot for me, but God he looked as if he was carved by the Gods. Old Willow would have never done this, not with him, not with anyone she just met, but I wasn't her anymore. "Pretty girl's a little liar." he said as he ran his fingers over my rose tattoo, holding my hips as I unbuttoned his pants. I just kissed him and I didn't think about anything as he pulled my underwear down my legs and I pushed his down. "Holy shit." I said without thinking as I caught a glimpse of his completely naked body. There's no other way to say this... he was huge, intimidatingly huge. He just laughed as he realised I was staring. "You've never been with someone like me, have you?" he asked with a smirk. I swallowed so hard as I shook my head. He snickered and kissed my neck, running his fingers over me to make sure I was wet. "Well you know what they say... you'll never go back." he chuckled. 

We fooled around for a minute or two then he stepped between my legs into position. "Wait. You need a condom." I said as he went to penetrate me. Even in my semi drunk, high state, I wasn't stupid enough to let that slide, not with anyone. "I'll pull out." he said as he went to push himself into me again. "No, no. You need one." I said. Was he kidding?!
"Come on, it's fine. I have self-control... I know when to pull out." he said like he was waiting for me to agree to it. I wasn't going to agree so I just looked at him. "Fine." he said as he realised I wasn't going to budge. He pulled his wallet from his jeans and ripped a condom open with his teeth - and don't think I didn't notice the text on the shiny gold wrapper: Magnum XL. Eep. I watched him put it on and I tried to relax as he entered me, but, holy fucking shit. "Oh my God." I cried as he stretched me and pain rushed between my legs. He wasn't being rough; he was giving me time to adjust, but I had never been with anyone that big, not even close. "Fuck." I said out loud. He just kind of snickered under his breath. He loved it.

The first minute or two was pretty painful, but as my body adjusted, it felt better. Kind of unnatural, but not painful. He held my hips and moved steadily and I can't deny the feeling of fulfilment was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. It felt odd having something so big inside of me, but pleasurable too. He knew what he was doing and flipped me over after a while so my stomach was on the desk and as soon as he entered me from behind, I moaned. Jesus Christ it felt good. He slapped my ass and for a split second, I flashed back to Mexico City... to the hotel bathroom... to being face-down on the vanity in agony as Oli fucked me and slapped my ass violently.
"Not too hard." I said without a second thought; the words I should have said when it was Oli doing the same thing and worse to me. Why could I speak up and demand respect with this guy I didn't even know, but not with Oli?! UGH!!! I hated that I was thinking about him while having sex with someone else!

Sex didn't feel the same with Jayce as it did with Oli and I'm not talking physically; that was certainly different, but emotionally, it was meaningless. Purely just pleasure, no strings attached. It was what Oli always wanted but I could never manage. Sex had always meant something to me with him, even at the start when we didn't know each other. I always felt connected to him, engaged, present... I always lost myself in him and how he made me feel. Everything else vanished when I was with him... the connection was effortless and something that I've never had with anyone else. It didn't feel like that with Jayce... we didn't mesh together in that same way, not even close.

Jayce started going harder, deeper and I couldn't stop myself from avoiding the explosion about to erupt inside my body even if I wanted to. I tensed and grabbed the edge of the desk as I came and he stopped deep inside of me as I did, holding my hips back so I couldn't pull away. My internal muscles squeezed him but as my orgasm tapered off, he started thrusting hard and fast. I felt like I was taking an absolute pounding but after a few minutes he pulled out, presumably yanked off his condom and I felt the tell-tale sensation of his release on my skin. I cleaned up and re-dressed, and he asked for my instagram so he could message me and maybe we could catch up again. I didn't really believe that he would actually message me, but I didn't feel bad about what I'd done so I gave him my 'willows_xo' handle. I didn't regret fucking him, I guess it was just really out of character for me to have a one-night stand. Maybe that was a good thing though. 

Jayce walked me back outside and up to the front stairs before saying he'd message me. I watched him walk away wondering if I would ever see him again or if he would be my first real one-night stand, not really bothered either way. I headed inside past everyone dancing and talking and found Cass with a couple of friends by the kitchen, still drinking and chatting as they were a couple of hours ago. She threw her arms around me when I arrived like she was happy to see me, then waved her hand in front of her face as if to tell me I still smelt like weed. Oops. "So..." Cassidy said as she looked at me knowingly. "I want to hear about what you've been up to." she said. I just laughed. She was going to be so surprised when I told her.

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