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I was OK when I got back to the bungalow. I wasn't crying anymore and the sadness was out of my system, but I knew he'd probably be able to tell that I had been emotional. In my rush to leave, I had totally forgotten about not having a room key to get back inside without him seeing me so I had no choice but to knock. I took a deep breath and as he swung the door open, I waved the roll of toilet paper in the air and exclaimed that we had extra paper as I passed him and headed for the bathroom. I hoped he would have been too focused on the paper to have noticed my red, puffy eyes.
"I'm just going to take a shower, I won't be long." I yelled as I closed the bathroom door behind me and locked it. Success. I had avoided him. I really did need to take a shower, so I did - and I let the warm water wash away any signs of my sadness.



She couldn't even fucking look at me.

I feel so fucking bad. I hate hurting her. 

I didn't mean to though...


I had to try and forget what Oli said earlier so things weren't awkward. I felt anxious and uncomfortable about facing him though... I had to dig deep within myself to act like I was fine. Unfortunately it wasn't the first time I had to do that with Oli... he'd said and done hurtful things before. When I walked out into the room, he was laying on the bed and he automatically looked at me. I wasn't sure how he was going to react, but he suddenly stuck out his bottom lip and held his arms out like he wanted a hug. "Come here..." he said softly. I guess I wasn't really expecting that. I went and climbed onto the bed as normally as I could and he pulled me into his arms so my face pressed into his chest. "I'm sorry." he said, apologising immediately. "I didn't mean to call you a convenience, it just came out wrong. If it was only about sex, I wouldn't have invited you." he said. It was nice to hear him say that, but did he really mean it? I didn't know anymore. "I really like spending time with you and I'm glad you're here." he added. I was really shocked to hear him say all those nice things... "I mean, we're friends right? And we have a lot of fun together, don't we?" he asked. I just nodded. He kissed my cheek, then did it again, then did it again and again, kissing my skin repeatedly until I broke a smile.
"There's that pretty smile." he said sweetly. God he knew exactly how to get me. I buried my face into his shoulder and he stroked my hair.
"I've had the best time here, you know that?" he asked. I just looked at him. I had too.
"You're funny and smart, and I like talking to you and you're very, very beautiful." he added. I felt myself blush so I pressed my face back into him. "Really, I'm glad you came. It wouldn't be the same if you weren't here." he said as he kissed my cheek.
"I'm glad I came too." I said into his shirt. I felt a bit silly for being so upset now that he'd said such nice things and kind of given me a glimpse into his true thoughts and feelings. Maybe I had completely over-reacted, but it was only because I loved him and I felt like he was telling me that he didn't feel the same way.
"So, will you cuddle with me and watch a movie?" he asked. I just nodded.
"OK, well since you're all clean maybe I'll take a shower so you're not cuddling a sweaty beast." he said. I couldn't help but laugh that he called himself a 'sweaty beast'. He kind of chuckled and said he'd be back in 5, then headed to the bathroom.

I was so confused... Oli had said something so hurtful, but now he was being more affectionate and sweet than ever. He was so hot and cold with me, he gave me whiplash. I messaged Cassidy and told her what Oli had said... how he'd apologised and how I was so confused it was giving me a headache. I didn't tell her I'd cried, that I ran away or that Mat had comforted me, I just told her everything Oli had said and that I was frustrated because I never knew where I stood with him.

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