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As if Oli didn't send me enough things; first the roses on my Birthday, then the cakes after having a hard time with Ivy, it was only 2 days later that another parcel arrived from him; this time with no guess work involved since the parcel was covered in 'Drop Dead' branding. He told me a while ago that he had designed some little outfits for Ivy, which was incredibly sweet, but when I actually got them - holy shit, they were the most adorable little things I think I'd ever seen. There were a few little t-shirts, rompers, a beanie and the most adorable tiny tracksuits in light grey and black with big Drop Dead logos on the front. He'd sent me the matching women's tracksuits too, in 3 sizes as promised. Oli spoiled us and I didn't know what I'd done to deserve any of it. 

Ivy was fast asleep as I dressed her in one of the little tracksuits but she woke up and was slightly upset, probably because I was pulling her tiny limbs through a sweater. I gave her a dummy so she wouldn't cry and she just stared up at me as I started snapping photos of her to send to Oli. "You're such a little fashionista, aren't you?" I questioned. She just looked at me, I assume wishing she could speak and tell me to just leave her alone, lol. I knew Oli would probably be backstage warming up, not too far from stepping on stage, but I sent him a photo straight away, figuring he would find it after the show. Ivy looked like such a little tomboy, but I loved it so much.

I was still standing over Ivy's cot looking at her when Oli replied to my photo, it was literally straight after I sent it, and before I had a chance to type a reply, my phone screamed to life as he called me.

I was still standing over Ivy's cot looking at her when Oli replied to my photo, it was literally straight after I sent it, and before I had a chance to type a reply, my phone screamed to life as he called me

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"I can't talk long but oh my god... she looks wicked." he laughed into my ear.
"She looks like your daughter now, that's for sure!" I laughed. "It's all amazing and it's so soft... thank you so much for sending everything, we feel very spoilt." I added.
"Don't be silly, it's nothing." he said happily. 
"Well thank you. We love them, and I love that you designed them especially for her." I replied. "Hey, I thought you'd be about to go on stage..." I questioned, looking at the time. Oli laughed.
"Yeah, literally in like 5 minutes, I really should have waited to call after the show but I couldn't wait." he chuckled. 
"Oh my God! Go and get ready! We can talk after." I laughed.
"OK, talk soon." he laughed. Gosh, he was so crazy.

Several hours later, at pretty much at the exact time he usually called after a show, he called back as promised. 

"Hey Willow, How's everything?" he asked as he wandered about his hotel room.
"We're good. How was the show?" I asked.
"Oh you know... loud, sweaty, crazy people doing circle pits and walls of death. Nothing new." he chuckled as he threw himself onto his bed. He seemed to be in such a good mood, not that he ever wasn't, but this time it was different. Better. "So... before I gush about how sick Ivy looks in her Drop Dead gear, I have some pretty cool news." he said as he propped himself up into what looked like a lot of pillows. I looked at him, waiting... my heart was already beating faster.
"We're coming to California in October!" he stated with excitement.
"Oh my God! No way!" I replied.
"Yes way! We're playing a Halloween show in LA for a radio station or something." he said. Holy shit, I was suddenly so excited.
"For KROQ? They're a big alternative station in LA. They do a Halloween show every year." I explained. I knew about those, I'd almost been to one a few years ago.
"Yeah that's the one. They're announcing the line up next week... but yeah, we're playing it." he replied with a smile. God, his smile... "So anyway, since it's in LA, I was hoping that maybe you'd want to come?" he asked. I automatically felt my heart rate rise. "I was thinking maybe you and Cassidy could drive down and bring Ivy - the guys want to meet her so much." he laughed. "I know they'd love to see you again too." he added. My chest tightened, I wasn't sure if it was how much that moment reminded me of when he invited me to Mexico, or if it was the thought of seeing him on stage again, or seeing the guys again, but all of it excited me.

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