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Eugghhhhh hangover. Jesus, I'm getting too old.

Is that a fucking used condom on the doona?! Fuck that is disgusting. I guess I had company last night... not that I remember a fucking thing.

Right, breakfast - and time to find out what the hell happened last night, Lol.


I woke up to Cassidy's alarm as always, today at 6am. It was way too early so I groaned like I always did and rolled over. "Come on Willow, we have to go!" Cassidy said, already moving her bag toward the door. I felt like I had only slept for about 10 minutes. I got out of bed, got dressed and fumbled with my things, packing the last of my stuff into my bag. It was a 7 hour drive to Salt Lake City so she was right, we needed to go. At this rate we wouldn't be anywhere near the barrier.

We hit traffic leaving Vegas - even at 7am - and I fell asleep in the car since I only ended up getting 4 or so hours sleep, plus I had a headache. I woke up at 9am when Cassidy pulled in to put petrol in the car and insisted I eat something for breakfast, but I would have rather have stayed asleep. Once we were back in the car she asked me what my plan of attack was for Oli today. "I don't know... hopefully he'll ask to hang out after the show." I replied with a shrug. 
"Girl, just send him some more sexy texts and he'll be begging you to hang out." she laughed. I wasn't sure about doing that, but we'd see what happened. I could always post on my story and hope he messaged me... but hopefully I wouldn't have to resort to desperation.

We finally got to our motel in Salt Lake City, and then to the venue, but arriving after 3pm meant we had a tonne of people already lined up in front of us and no hope of getting barrier. We were disappointed, but I had felt like shit all day so maybe it wasn't a bad thing that we could chill out up the back. The only thing was that I didn't want Oli to think I wasn't there or wasn't interested in him anymore, so I decided to finally make use my line of communication with him. I messaged him and told him that I didn't think he'd be getting his usual rose at the show because we only just got there and wouldn't get anywhere near barrier. He replied with a sad face, and I said sorry, and that was pretty much where it was left.

Venue doors always opened at 6pm, so people always started getting restless at around 5:45pm, and today was no different

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Venue doors always opened at 6pm, so people always started getting restless at around 5:45pm, and today was no different. We were still sitting in line on the footpath ten minutes before being let in, but as I chatted with Cass, I heard my name. "Rose and Cassidy?" I heard someone yelling from the front of the line. "I'm looking for Rose and Cassidy." I heard again. What the hell? I stood up to try and see who it was and noticed a guy dressed in all black with a walkie-talkie, so I stuck my hand up in the air as the man wandered along beside the line toward us. "That's us." I said as he approached.
"Rose?" he asked.
"Yeah... that's me." I said, despite the fact he said Rose and not Roses. I mean, I was pretty certain there were no other Rose and Cassidy's there. He sneakily handed me a small, folded up piece of paper and started talking. "You know, you didn't have to wait in line all day." he said as I was unfolding the paper. What the fuck? I was completely confused as to what he was talking about. I finally got the paper opened and read it.

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