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When we arrived back at the house, Oli parked the car and we stopped before we walked inside to join everyone again. I knew we were going to be questioned and interrogated but I wasn't nervous about it... we had a wonderful night together. "Thanks for driving me home. Do you want to come in?" I asked – continuing the silly role play he had begun at the restaurant. He chuckled and nodded but grabbed my hand before I could leave. "Hey, I had a really great night with you." he said genuinely, dropping the act for a minute.
"Me too." I replied happily. As I stood there, I had an overwhelming want to kiss him, to say thank you for such a nice night out. If it were a real first date, I'd probably kiss his cheek, but we were way past that, so I just went for it and I kissed his lips. He deserved it after how much effort he'd made with our date, how sweet he'd been, how he had never pressured me or made me feel like he wanted anything from me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his around my waist and we kissed. Soft, sweet, gentle, but still full of this blissful feeling that flooded all the way down to my toes. Kissing him felt wonderful, familiar, comfortable... it felt so right and I was happy that it did. Our lips had only connected in about 5 or 6 sweet little kisses when we heard cheering and whooping coming from the house. Oh my God. I pulled away and looked around to see some of the guys on the balcony watching us... obviously cheering because Oli got a kiss. I was honestly so embarrassed! I could feel my cheeks burning up so I immediately shoved my face into Oli's shoulder as if trying to hide and he just held me as he laughed out loud. "Ignore them. Fucking idiots." he said in amusement.



Fucking cockblocks, lol. Nah, I can't stop smiling even if they did kill the moment. She kissed me. I'm so fucking happy...

I feel like I have a chance to be with her now and that's all I want.


With the moment broken, Oli and I headed inside. Cassidy was laying on Brian and immediately jumped up to run over and hug me, while the guys were clearly wanting to question Oli and give him shit – I could tell by the way they looked at him with their sly grins. I knew Cass would want to debrief, and I wanted to tell her about Oli and I's kiss before someone else did... I also didn't want to be around for the grilling everyone else was going to give Oli, so I excused myself to go and check on Ivy in my bedroom.



"So... you got a kiss..." Mat questioned with a stupid smirk.
"It's about fucking time." Jordan laughed, joining in on his taunting.
"Oh shut up, both of you." I laughed. "I will literally kill you if you scare her away with your bullshit." I stated.
"Nah man, we would never. We're happy for you." Jordan said as he patted me on the shoulder and put a drink in my hand. "Yeah, he's right. She's an awesome girl and you've always been great together." Mat added. I couldn't help but smile at his comment. "I'm surprised you still remember how to kiss the girl though, I mean, it's been a few months since you've been with anyone, hasn't it?" Mat said with that stupid smirk again.
"You're such a fucking dickhead." I stated as I took a sip of my drink. He wasn't wrong, but he was such a smart ass.


As soon as I was in my room, I heard Cass right behind me on the stairs. I knew she was coming to ask questions. "So... " she said as she arrived. "What was all the cheering about?" she asked with raised eyebrows and an expression that told me she already knew. I felt my cheeks get warm as I looked at her, and she just smiled more. "I kissed him." I admitted as I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. Cassidy rolled her eyes.
"Of course you did." she laughed.
"You're not mad?" I questioned. I honestly wondered if she would be...
"No, I think it's pretty apparent to everyone here that you're obsessed with each other." she replied.
"I tried not to fall for him again Cass, but he's making it impossible. He really has changed..." I said, willing her to not to get annoyed at me for admitting I like him.
"Willow, let's be real. You never stopped loving him. You forget that I know everything about you." she replied with a chuckle. "I can see how happy you are with each other, and it's really obvious that he's changed. That night at the bar, he didn't even look at any of the women throwing themselves at him, all he wanted was to be back at the hotel with you - it says a lot. There's also no way to fake the way he looks at you and fawns over you. It's actually quite repulsive." she laughed. Maybe I should have been offended, but I just laughed along. Hearing her say those things made me feel so free, like I should stop worrying so much and just go with what I knew I truly wanted. "So, does this mean you won't be mad if I explore things with him?" I asked.
"Well, I still hope you'll take it slow and you will stay true to yourself, but no, I won't be mad." she replied. I threw myself at her for a hug because I knew her words meant she was giving me her approval. It made me so fucking happy. "You know, I hate to say it but, you're actually pretty cute together." she admitted. I kissed her cheek and squeezed her even more. I was so happy.

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